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"Are you sure your mum and dad will be fine with watching the house and Dorothy" Alders said. Rowan held Alders hand as reached the gate to his London home. "Good evening Mr. Kelly" John said. "Good evening I'll be spending tonight and tomorrow here won't you be a gem and open the gate" Rowan said. John opened the gate to the luxurious home that was sitting on the hill. Alders remembered the home from the night they met. But this time the fabulous castle was pitch black.

Getting out of the car, Rowan pulled Alders in for a kiss on the lips. Alders looked around. "People might see us" Alders said. "No one can see us up here darling, we're free" Rowan said.

The inside of the home was how Alders remembered. Decorated fit for a elitest  author that was Rowan Kelly. All around were pictures of the famous author with other authors. It made Alders forget how elite his lover was. On the coffee table sat a notebook with the initials RK. Alders took a little peek at the notebook. It held something so dear to his heart. Written in cursive letters with black ink was Alders name.

"The moment I saw him he had to be mine for always and forever"....

another line read.

"Alders Lennon is the love of my life"...."I couldn't get him out of my mind I loved him too much for who he was"....

The rest of the night Alders couldn't get those words out of his mind. At dinner he was awfully quiet. Rowan noticed, he reached for the boys hand but he pulled away.

"You're awfully quiet this evening" Rowan said. "I'm just tired is all" Alders said. Showing a weak smile. Rowan looked over towards the living room, he saw the black book.

"I saw what you wrote in there, how you loved me" Alders said. The boy blushed slightly. Rowan moved closer to him. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you by what was written" Rowan said. Alders shook his head and kissed Rowan. Rowan smiled as he kissed him back. "I take you forgive me, by that sweet kiss" Rowan teased.

The American pressed kisses down Alders neck. Alders heart was pounding as he felt Rowan's lips tease his sensitive skin. "Did you mean what you wrote about me" Alders asked. "Yes" Rowan said. "You love me" Alders asked. "I love you" Rowan said. The American took off his tie, he wrapped it around Alders face.

Rowan took Alders to the room where they met. Alders giggled, his eyes were covered with one of Rowan's ties. "Where are you taking me" Alders asked. Rowan didn't say a word as he guided Alders towards the secret room. "Rowan" Alders squeaked. Rowan pressed kisses on his cheeks to keep him calm.

Rowan opened the door, the piano sat where it was the night of the party. He took off the tie from Alders face. "My love do you recognize this room" Rowan asked. Alders looked around, he did. "It's where you and I met" Alders said. Rowan sat down at the piano, he began to play the same song he played that night. Alders sat in a chair next to the piano, his eyes never left Rowan's concentrated face. Rowan's fingers danced across the keys as he played the beautiful melody.

Alders came up behind him, he pressed kisses on his neck taking his revenge. The boy felt satisfied as he teased the American. He then walked over to the familiar portrait. When Alders heard the final key being played he smiled. The room went quiet, Alders knew Rowan was watching him.

Rowan came up behind Alders, the boy turned around. He smiled as he saw Rowan standing there. Rowan's eyes glanced at Alders lips. The American felt Alders arms wrap around his waist. Alders felt calmer compared to that night, his brother wasn't here to terrorize him. His thoughts were at ease. As he held onto Rowan he felt safe.

"We're going to throw a party, just you and I" Rowan said. Alders looked up at him with adoring eyes. "A little party never hurt anyone according to Meredith" Alders said. Rowan kissed him sweetly, each kiss was better than the last Alders thought.

Rowan pushed Alders onto the sofa, the boy giggled as the American kissed him more and more. Rowan's fingers toyed with Alders shirt buttons. "Is this ok, If I touch you like this" Rowan asked. Alders felt Rowan's gentle caress on his skin. Goosebumps began to rise as Rowan moved his hands up his exposed torso. Sooner than later Alders nodded, giving Rowan the consent he needed.

"Lie back against my chest" Rowan said. Alders exposed back met Rowan's covered chest. "Take off this pesky thing" Alders said. Playing with the button up shirt that Rowan was wearing. Alders helped Rowan with the annoying buttons that kept his skin in hiding. 

Once the shirt was off the American's torso. Alders kissed Rowan's neck. The author threw his head back against the arm of the sofa. His fingers made there way into Alders hair. Alder's continued to make his way down to Rowan's chest.

Rowan loved the way Alders lips felt on his skin. Rowan could barley catch his breath whenever Alders lips met his skin. "Do you trust me" Alders asked. Rowan watched as Alders began to unzip his trousers. Rowan had only experienced a blow job one other time. It was with a girl. Never had he experienced a blow job with a boy.

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