Chapter 23

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

Dan Heng's POV
"Hmpf... Celestial dragon... Break!" I finished off the assassins and was about to make my way to (M/N) and Miss Bailu, when suddenly...

"(M/N)! No!"

Miss Bailu's scream and the sight not far away from me made my heart soar in panic. (M/N) was about to get killed...

"(M/N)!" I screamed in despair and tried run as fast as I can to reach my partner.

'No... I'm not going to make it...' I internally thought helplessly. My heart dropped as I saw the assassin charge at full speed towards (M/N). 'Sh*t! Am I... going to lose him here...?'

However, what happens next, completely stunned me...

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

(M/N)'s POV
Just when I though I was about to get killed, a light blinded everyone in my vicinity. It was as if time has stopped, because everything and everyone stopped moving.

"Please, do not be afraid," my voice (?) told me gently from behind, making me turn around and come face to face with my former incarnation.

"Did you stop time?" I asked.

"I did... I should've done this sooner, but time and luck did not seems to be on my side," (M/N) sighed in exasperation.

"Well, I should at least thank you for saving me," I stood up and bowed lightly for him, making him shake his head. "It was nothing. I've been by your side since that dream and have been checking up on you and on your condition."

He smiled. "It seems to me that you're in a dilemma about whether you wish to stay in this universe or wish to return to your home world... right?"

"You tell me..." I wryly smiled back.

"But I'm afraid that now is not the time to discuss about this, for you need to get out of that critical condition in order for you to not be killed," (M/N) turned serious while stretching out a hand to me. I looked at it in confusion, but it quickly turned into surprise as an azure white glowing ball started to form on his palm. Mist surrounded the glowing ball, making me mystified by my former incarnation's powers of ice.

"Take these powers, (M/N). You'll be needing it now and in the future, should you wish to stay in this universe," my former incarnation told me.

"Huh? You want me to use your power? But I can't control ice as great as you can! Heck! I can't even wield a weapon!" I exclaimed in shock by his statement.

(M/N) gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about that. Once you've touched this ball, all my skills about swordsmanship and how to control the power of ice will be transferred into your memory."

His face turned serious. "I won't let you die. Not on my watch. You and Dan Heng both deserve a proper happy ending, regardless you become his lover or not."


I blushed slightly by his statement...

'Dan Heng... as my lover...'

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