Chapter 16

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

(M/N)'s POV
I stirred awake by the rays of sunlight hitting my face. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes to wake up, sat up and glanced at the window - The sky was clear blue with some clouds floating like cotton candy.

A beautiful day...

My focus went to the door as I heard someone knocking. "Patient! Good morning! Are you awake?! I have breakfast ready for you!"

I chuckled at Bailu's announcement. "I'm awake, Lady Bailu! Come in!"

The door opened, revealing the small female vidyadhara High Elder with a bright look as she entered the room with a tray which contained my breakfast. She put it on the nightstand and asked "Can we start with a doctor's checkup?"

"We can, doctor."

Lady Bailu gave my body a full checkup and deemed me completely healthy a as conclusion. Meaning, I could get discharged today!

"I will send a report with a discharge notice and let a nurse come tell you!" Bailu said.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Lady Bailu!"

"It's nothing! Now, eat your breakfast and let your body receive the nutritions it deserves! I'll let you eat in peace! Bye! Bye!" and the Healer Lady left.

After having finished my last bite of my breakfast, I let out a sigh of bliss and put the tray back on the nightstand.

'What shall I do now that I'm getting discharged soon? ... Yikes! I need to find shelter or else I'm going to sleep on the streets! Maybe Petrichor Inn has a room available? But... I don't have any currency to pay with... Oh no! This is bad!'

I was so concerned about my future plans I didn't notice someone knocking on my door. "(M/N)? It's me, Dan Heng. Can I come in?"

"Ah! Yeah! You can!"

The door opened, this time, revealing the raven haired teen, still in his Imbibitor Lunae form. He walked towards my bed and sat on the stool, just like what he did yesterday...

"Good morning, how are you feeling, (M/N)?"

"Good morning to you too! Yeah, I'm feeling good. Thank you for asking," I smiled.

"That's good. Did you..." and he looked at the tray with empty dishes on the nightstand. "have breakfast?"

"Mhm!" I nodded brightly. "And it was really good! Did you, though?"



The both of us looked at Dan Heng's stomach as he scratched the back of neck with pink cheeks. "As you can hear, not yet..."

"That won't do! I should ask Lady Bailu if she can cook for one more person!" I said and was about to pull of the sheets, until two hands stopped me from moving. "Please, you don't need to do that for me."

"No! No! You need to eat! How are you going to survive the day without getting the right nutritions?" I scolded and put my hands on his to remove them from the blanket until we heard a knock on the door.

"Patient (M/N)? Can I come in?" and without waiting for my response, a female nurse entered the room with a polite smile. "Your discharge note from Lady Bailu has been approved. From today onwards, you're free to leave the hospital. Oh! And I was told that you shouldn't worry about the hospital bills, for as someone has already taken care of that!"

"Oh! Euh... Thank you!" I blessed.

The nurse nodded, then looked at our joint hands with a close-eyed smile. "I shall leave you two lovebirds then to prepare for your check-out. Lady Bailu will sign the last necessary documents to grant your discharge."

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