42| Choice

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Kahlil shivered as he stared at Aria, standing there bloodied with Salvador's unrecognizable body laid on the bed.

His stare traveled down to the other dead body with a gunshot between his eyes.

How could someone be this heartless?

He watched as she talked to Sylvia without a care in the world. As if she hadn't just slaughtered two men.

This wasn't the sister he loved. She had turned into a monster.

He walked down the empty hallway to go grab their belongings from the basement as the cold wind blowing outside made him hiss in pain.

The almost fresh stab wound, awarded by his sister, hurt when it came in contact with anything cold.

He placed a hand on his lower stomach in pain for a moment before picking up their bags and walking back to his sister.

A sudden force from behind, made him trip over the hard wooden floor, and he fell with his face pressed against the ground.

He grimaced when he felt a huge boot squeezing his head forcefully against the ground. The boot left his head for a moment, before kicking it hard and making him stumble against the wall.

Kahlil groaned in pain and looked up to see a huge figure hidden by the darkness. Thunder roared in the sky, making a streak of lightning appear in the outside the window.

His eyes widened when Silverio's face flashed against the sudden light with anger already gracing his sharp features.

"I thought I got you killed"

His deep voice rumbled as Kahlil gulped and sat up slowly, shrinking against the wall while clutching the bags.

Silverio's eyes wandered around the bags before looking up again at Kahlil's fearful eyes "You are running" he stated while studying the heavy luggage "And you are not alone"

Silverio squatted in front of him and grabbed his collar roughly "Who do you work for?"

Kahlil shivered in terror as his jade eyes filled with rage stared intensely at him.

"It's that bitch isn't it?"

Kahlil's eyes widened as a lazy smirk crossed Silverio's features.

"Bingo" he mumbled pulling out his gun and pressing it against Kahlil's temple "What does she want?"

Kahlil kept quiet as silent tears escaped his eyes. He shook his head negatively, refusing to betray his sister.

The gun dug into his skin tightly as Kahlil groaned, a fearceful punch was delivered to his lower stomach where he had the stab wound.

He cried out in pain while clutching it tightly.

"She stabbed you" He spit on his face "She betrayed her accomplice when she was on a tight rope"

Kahlil's face fell as it felt like a bucket of cold water splashed on his face.

"It was lucky you survived this time" Silverio continued "What do you think will happen if she is put on the spot again? Will you survive, little boy?"

Kahlil's heart squeezed as he looked down at his stab wound. All these years of loyalty meant nothing to her, his love for her meant nothing. He knew she wouldn't hesitate to kill him if it benefitted her in some way.

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