30| Sylvia

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"Sylvia" she commented while turning to look at the haunting green eyes while her dark brown hair framed her small tanned face "What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to join a charity auction?" she replied nonchalantly while staring at the golden liquid in her glass "You know, I'm somewhat of a philanthropist myself"

Aria scoffed and looked towards the direction Abigor went, his back was turned towards her as he talked to a few well suited gentlemen.

"What happened to your pink hair?" she asked lowly while looking away, even if someone saw them right now it would be really hard to guess that they were talking to each other.

"You think you are the only one good at hiding your true form?" she heard the snarky comment as Aria rolled her eyes and fixed her mask and twirled a strand of her hair.

"That was a wig by the way," Sylvia said when she didn't got an answer from her.

Aria sighed and looked around before whispering "If you are here, does that mean. .?" she trailed off.

"Yup, he is here too"

That single sentence was enough to make Aria's knees tremble in pure fear as she broke down in cold sweat "W-Why?" she stuttered and looked around for Kahlil but he was nowhere to be found.

"I don't know" Sylvia shrugged "He's been interested in American things nowadays, but I think you were right. I think he suspects you"

"Fucking hell" Aria mumbled and downed a whole glass of champagne at once.

"I came here to keep an eye out you know" Sylvia said further "You should thank me"

Aria gritted her teeth "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me"

"I don't think that will be the case" Sylvia replied almost immediately as her gaze followed Aria's line of sight and fell on a broad back at a distance "A powerful one you got at your side, I doubt he'll let anything happen to you"

Aria looked down in sadness as her heart became heavy with guilt "I don't know. ."

Sylvia frowned and glared at Aria by the corner of her eyes "What do you mean?"

"I don't like using him" Aria mumbled as she bit her lower lip.

"You should be the last one to say that" Sylvia scoffed disinterested by her guilt. But when Aria continued to look down without muttering anything; her eyes widened and a gasp escaped her mouth.

"Don't tell me you've fallen in lo-"

Sylvia quickly cut herself off when she noticed Abigor slowly turning around and walking towards their direction. She avoided his gaze at all costs and engaged in a flirty conversation with the bartender.

"Let's go" Abigor said as soon as he reached where Aria was standing.

Aria looked at him startled. "What? Where?"

"I want you to meet someone" he replied calmly while looking around the area suspiciously.

"Why? I'm good here, I don't like socializing" Aria tried to deny, she had a lot more questions for Sylvia. And if she just went around meeting people with Abigor Hayes, surely people would notice.

What if he saw me?

"Is there a reason you do not want to go?" Abigor snarled grabbing her arm in a tight grip as she winced lowly and shook her head.

"I-It's n. .not-"

"You are nervous" he commented as his eyes bore through her soul "Tell me what's wrong and I'll protect you. They are all afraid of me"

Aria shivered at the intensity of his tone and the look in his dark hazel eyes. It looked so real. As if he was actually ready to fight the whole world if she said the word.

Is he that attached to me?

It made her feel worse. She knew that if he knew the truth he'd hate her forever.

What if he never wanted to see my face again after finding out the truth?

What if he . . . left me?

Aria would never admit it but she had grown used to him. She liked his pestering presence around her, she liked his small smiles which he only ever gave to her, she liked his rugged hands which held her ever so gently.

She had started to like him. A lot.

She casted her gaze down, not being able to hold his unwavering attention on her. She kept her silence, she didn't utter a word like she always did and left him waiting for her reply.

"Aria" he called warningly as his hands slipped down her arm and held her hand "That's it, let's go"

He dragged her through the ocean of many people as she slightly struggled in his hold. The small nerve popping out from the side of his head and his clenched jaw gave away how angry he truly was.

Anyone would be annoyed if the person you care about the most constantly tried to hide away a part of herself.

"Fix your mask" Abigor grumbled under his breath as his pace slowed down, indicating that they had neared their destination.

Aria quickly fixed her mask. She wasn't sure if he was talking about the mask on her face or the permanent invisible mask she put in front of others.

Abigor stopped walking abruptly, resulting Aria to bump into his wide back. She hissed lowly and glared up at the back of his head. But the next words that came out of his mouth, left her frozen.

"Hello again, Mr Silverio Paulo"

She broke down in cold sweat as her throat dried up in nervousness.

"Mr Hayes" the deep voice she dreaded to hear spoke up followed by a low laughter. She stood still, gaurded behind Abigor's huge body.

"I thought you were going to introduce me to your girlfriend?" Silverio spoke up as Abigor smirked and nodded.

He turned around to face her. The smirk remained still, it was almost as if he was punishing her for not telling him the truth.

Aria bit her lower lip and glared at his hazel eyes in distaste, she knew that he would have guessed it by now that she didn't want to face Silverio Paulo.

And he was enjoying every bit of it.

"What's wrong baby?" Abigor asked mockingly, still shielding her from Silverio's gaze as he lightly tucked a stray strand of golden hair behind her ear.

"Nothing" she replied confidently, stepping out from his protection and facing the man head on.

"Hello Mr Paulo" she greeted ignoring Abigor as Abigor's smirk fell. An emotionless look appeared on his face and Karl, who was standing beside Silverio, knew all too well what that look meant.

He was beyond livid.



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