06| Decision

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"An arrangement?" Aria asked, confused.

"Yes, it's my parents anniversary today and I want you to come with me-"

"No" she denied even before he could complete as his jaw clenched and he glared at her.

"Listen to me first" he gritted out.

"I don't want to go with you. You said you'd leave me alone after this" she replied harshly.

At this, he chuckled "I precisely remember Aria, I said 'If you go out with me today, then maybe I'll never bother you again' so it still applies till midnight today"

She gasped in realization as her hands fisted up in frustration.

"I already have a schedule" she tried to lie.

"I know your schedule Ms Leighton and I know that you are very free today"

She cursed under her breath while breathing heavily and looking down, contemplating what he just said. Abigor studied her with furrowed brows.

He didn't understand what her deal was.

Back in the apartment, when he had pinned her to the wall and forced a kiss. She tried to push him away with all her strength but couldn't.

At least that's what she wanted him to believe.

But she forgot who she was dealing with, he had been in this game for far too long to be fooled by people. He knew she was holding back. But one question lingered in his mind.


What was she planning and what was she trying to prove?

"-ine" he almost didn't hear her because of his intense thinking

"What?" he asked, snapping out from his trance.

"I said fine, I'll go" she repeated as a small, almost unnoticeable smile broke out on his face.

It disappeared as fast as it surfaced.

"Good" he hummed while sipping on his coffee one more time "I want you to wear the dress I bought you"

"The dress you bought me?" she asked confused because she knew that she would clearly remember if such a thing happened.

"The gifts I brought you? There's a dress in there along with some jewellery, I want you to wear that" he hummed as he took out his phone and typed something.

"Oh" she said in realization as she accepted it. It was his party after all. Why should she soil her own clothing by entering the nasty mafia world? It was just a one-night thing. She would get in, attend the party and get out.

And make sure that she never sees Abigor Hayes's face again, of course.

"Okay" she agreed as she took out some cash along with an handsome amount of tip and placed it under flower vase "I'll take my leave now, Mr Hayes"

His eyes fell back on her as it travelled on the cash lying on the table. The thought of her paying for herself in his presence infuriated him, but he decided to let it go for now.

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