Chapter 189

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"Final Breath."

I activate my newest skill and feel it start to take full effect.

This is the stat-boosting ability I witnessed the final boss on the 19th floor activate just moments before our battle was over.

It gave the monster an incredible boost in all stats and even its mana control.

I grit my teeth as I feel the skill take over.

It begins to drain the MP from the Strengthening Fragment lodged in my chest. The red and golden glow from my other stat-boosting skills gets overridden by an ominous black aura.

More and more MP starts flowing through my veins. My head begins to ache and I feel a sharp pain in my chest.

My advanced fire magic is consumed by this new skill and shifts its coloring to a jet-black hue as well.

I let out a yell, as the skill [Final Breath] fully activates. The pain is unbearable...


I don't feel the boring sensation in my heart at all from moments ago...

My headache is gone.

I... don't feel much of anything at all.

My eyes dart back and forth. The red fog that was so thick moments ago that I could barely see a meter in front of me now seems like just a thin mist slightly blurring my vision.

Falling rocks and crackling fire can be heard in perfect clarity from over 50 meters away, and the exact position of the behemoth lurking within its mana-imbued veil of fog seems so obvious.

I take a step forward.

It seems like time has slowed down...

All my senses are heightened drastically, but it all feels so natural. The mana being absorbed from the Fragment in my chest is flowing through me at almost 4 times as much as moments ago. Yet, it doesn't even feel like I'm consuming mana at all. It just feels like I don't need mana at all...

"This is... [Final Breath]..."

I hold my sword in my right hand and watch the red glow and dark flames morph into jet-black darkness to match my aura.

The wind dagger in my left does exactly the same.

My All-Seeing Eye expands its range and I can feel the entire Boss Room with perfect clarity once again.

Ember is high in the sky and there's hot lava pools surrounding me on all sides for kilometers.

I take a deep breath in and out as I pick up the pace, and start sprinting towards the direction of the newly located Floor Boss.

Everything around me is silent.

The only echoing noises I can hear are the slow footsteps of my own run and the steady breath coming out of my nose.

I can see the entire battlefield in my mind's eye... Everything has become crystal clear all of a sudden.

The red-skinned Behemoth is less than 50 meters away, reforming its stone armor. There's still fire burning on its shoulder and arms. Plus, my last attack shattered a good portion of its helmet and armor on its back.

Half of its face is exposed revealing one of its beady black eyes. The monster's gaze is locked on me as I approach.

It's injured, but nowhere near defeated.

The power building up inside of me right now is like nothing I've ever felt before.

I feel at peace...

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