Chapter 53

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I arrived to the market less than 20 minutes later and waved to the old merchant.

"Hey kid, how are ya today?"


I took my axe and mana out of my item storage to place them on counter between us.

"Ya know, that's a neat skill. I don't think you were using it when we first met, but I gotta say item storage must be useful!"

I froze in place... how could I be so careless? I've been using my item storage skill in front of the merchant this whole time like it's not a big deal. Anyone could have seen me using it here...

I looked around cautiously, not that it would matter. The damage is already done.

"U-Uh thanks, yeah. It's a good thing to have. Just uhm, could you keep it between us? I don't use this skill often."

The merchant could sense the tension in my voice and nodded slowly.

"Sure, sure. I won't pry."

He took my mana and placed them on the measuring scale. The big black numbers read out 3976.43MU. He took a look at the axe and smirked.

"This is a 175 strength boost axe, nice. I can do 80 silver for the whole haul."

I thought to myself for a moment.

"How about 40 silver, an item box, and 2 D class HP potions."

The old man eyed me for a moment then started shuffling through a cabinet.

"Sure, work for me."

He started counting out my silver and placed a small magic pouch with 2 HP potions on the counter.

"Oh, one other thing."

I pulled out the silver key and handed it to the merchant. His eyes lit up.

"Where'd you get this? I've only seen a handful of shaman keys in my lifetime."

"I got it from a dungeon break today. How much is it worth?"

"Ohh, good find. I'm sure you could get a few gold at auction for a key like this."

"Really? So... what's it do?"

"I'm not too sure... I've heard rumors about certain keys being used in the Capital Labyrinth, but I've never been there myself. If you're looking to sell it, I can give you an address for a good auction house. Here."

The old man scribbled something down on a small piece of paper and handed it to me. I took it and threw it in my item storage along with the key. It sounds enticing, but I'm not really interested in an auction right now, I'd rather capitalize on these increased dungeon breaks while I still can.

"Thanks. Appreciate it. Hey, how long to these surges tend to last anyways?"

I remembered the Inn keeper telling me about them, but I wasn't paying much attention to him when he was explaining.

"The last one we had lasted just a few days. I'm sure it'll be over by the end of this weekend."

I nodded and took the rest of my new items and silver off the table. The silver and potions were placed in my item storage but I tied the item box around my waist. The old man made a great observation... If I'm going to be using my item storage skill, I should at least be a bit stealthier about it. I'll keep some items in this magic pouch for when I'm out in public.

"Got it. Thanks again, pleasure doing business with you!"

"Of course, stay safe kid."

With a wave I left the market and grabbed a quick meal before heading back to the Inn. I was greeted by the attendant and quickly made my way upstairs. After my signature hot shower I fell asleep in bed almost immediately.

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