Chapter 176

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As I step through the dungeon's exit portal, I activate my conceal skill.

I'm supposed to be in the Labyrinth right now as far as the Association is concerned. It'd be awfully suspicious if I showed my face around town.

Not many people know me in the big city, but if I'm spotted by even one person at the Association there may be a few questions brought up that I wouldn't like to answer.

One of the advanced perks of my newest upgrade to [Special Grade] concealment is the ability to put on a temporary camouflage.

I activate my All-Seeing Eye while opening my status to re-check its full capabilities.



Info: The [Special Grade] Conceal skill allows the user to edit their status with the same basic inputs as [No Grade]. Without a [Legendary Grade] perception skill, the true nature of these modifications will remain unseen.

The [Special Grade] Conceal skill acts as temporary camouflage. The user may change fine details in facial features, skin shade, and eye color, along with minor height and weight modifications. Without a [Legendary Grade] perception skill, the illusion magic being used will go unnoticed by onlookers.

Grade: [Special Grade]



I've used this skill on my arm tattoo from the Greater Demon's Core in the past, but haven't tried it on anything larger scale...

My lenses of Illusion still mask my white eye color without me having to constantly use mana on my concealment skill. I take a look at them while my status is still open.


Lenses Of Illusion

Info: A pair of contact lenses crafted using the Legendary Grade "Crafting" Skill and the Special Grade "Conceal" Skill. This item allows the user to see 25% further, and change their perceived eye color at will.

Class: C+

Type: Single Use

Durability: 6/100


I whisper under my breath.

"It's at 6... out of 100..."

Remembering back to when I bought these off of Bri, she did say they would only last me a few months. It's already been that long for me... To her, no more than a few weeks have passed.

Along with the armor set, I'll need to pick up a new pair of lenses... If she has any left in stock.

I'm standing in the empty black room with a moving stairway ahead of me that leads back to the C-Class gate platform.

I let out a sigh and walk forward. While doing so, I put on a disguise better than any magical concealment item can produce.

I turn my slim physique, black hair, dark features, and light tan skin into something entirely different.

Making my skin pale white, growing my hair out and bleaching it blond, putting on 20kg of muscle, and giving myself bright blue eyes. For good measure, I put on a few years of age and take the train back to the main Dungeon Hub.

I feel exactly the same... I'm just surrounded by intense illusion magic. Passers-by see a completely different person when they look at me.

I walk out of the gate with a grin across my face, looking like your average run-of-the-mill middle-aged tank. No heads turn, and I walk downtown without another thought.

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