Chapter 29

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The giant one eyed monster came charging towards me with speed comparable to my own.

I was not prepared to trade blows with this cyclops just yet. I need to scope out its full abilities before doing anything too rash.

I activated my inspect skill and prepared to dodge the incoming behemoth. The light blue text appeared over its head in the distance.

[Lv. 129]

Pretty similar to my own level. That's good.

The rushing stream was to my left and a slight incline leading up the side of the valley was on my right.

I put my sword out in front of me and rushed towards the monster with no intention of actually making contact with it this time around.

We both sprinted towards each other getting closer and closer. Once we were less than 10m apart I could smell a foul scent, this beast smelled worse than any monster I'd ever encountered.

I instantly lunged to the right and ran up the side of the valley to avoid the monster's attack.


The cyclops kept running forward in a perfect straight line. It swung its club at me, but I was already well outside of its range. I'm mumbled to myself.


I grinned and ran back towards the water and flatter ground. The cyclops turned to me and locked its eye on me again. We both charged towards each other.

At the last second I dodged it again running up the mountain as the giant club narrowly missed me. The monster kept running forward in a perfect straight line.

It looks like this monster has equal, if not greater speed than me... but it can't change directions very quickly.

That's one up side. I'll possibly be able to use my agility to outsmart this beast.

The big problem is the monster's club. Even when I dodged, the cyclops' timing was basically perfect. One second earlier and I would have been hit. It definitely has good intuition, and is VERY strong. That club is over 2m long and looks like it's make out of a very heavy metal. It can swing it with ease like a baseball bat.

Let's see how this beast likes flames.

I ran back down to flat ground and ignited into a fire ball as we both began our charge. The cyclops didn't seem to hesitate at all. It was the same result. I had to dodge at the last minute to avoid the trajectory of its club. That weapon is a great offensive tool, but it doubles as a defensive shield.

This is going to be tougher than I thought.

I decided to change up my strategy. I charged towards the monster from up above it on the valley's incline. I fully engulfed my body in flames I jumped in the air with my sword in full swing launching an attack. The cyclops countered with a swing of its club.


Sparks fly and flames shoot from our clash of metal. At first it felt like an even exchange, but I was so wrong.

The monster followed through with its charged and pushed me forward carrying me uphill with ease.


It roared as I was thrown forward. I hit the rocky ground and looked up to see the monsters massive legs charging towards me.

With every fast twitch muscle fiber in my body I managed to jump and spin out of the way as the beast cracked the ground as it rumbled past my head less than a meter away.

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