Chapter 36

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We made our way down all 8 floors. I watched all the shops go by as we glided down on the moving stairs.

On the bottom floor there was a large crowd around a storefront that took up almost a quarter of the floorspace. Rei motioned us towards it.

"This way. It'll be a few silver, but trust me it's worth it. I've been in here a few times."

We walked through the crowd of people and got into a small line forming right outside the entrance.

There was a large sign over the glass door.

"Vice City Mall Training Center"

The line moved forward slowly for about 10 minutes until a middle aged man greeted us at the door.

"Just the 3 of you? What level training room, and how long are you going to need?"

Rei spoke up.

"30 minutes in a D Class Room. We'll rent 3 pairs of Sim gear too."

"That'll be 10 silver for the room, 3 extra for the sim gear."

My eye brow raised. That's pretty pricey. What kind of training room is this?

I reached into my item box to grab some silver for my cut, but Rei immediately gave me a look.

"Don't worry about it. Pace Guild will cover this one, it's for training."

She winked at me and handed the man 13 silver.

He nodded and let us through.

"4th room on the left. Timer starts once ya open the door."

We walked through a narrow hallway and towards the room.

Rei opened the door and we walked in.

She shut the door and a large clock on the wall started counting down 30 minutes.

It was a large room with high ceilings. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all white and I could hear the hum of a mana shield.

There was a small rack with combat suits on it. Rei picked one up and started putting it on over her clothing, it magically tightened to fit her body.

"You guys too, put em' on."

Maria and I followed her lead and put on the suits.

All of a sudden I saw blue text hovering over Rei and Maria's heads.



I saw Maria staring over my head as well. There must be numbers above mine too. I looked at Rei.

"What is this?"

She grinned.

"It's Vice City training gear. Pricey tech, let's use it while we have the time. Don't hold back, this gear is graded up to high B Class attacks. You couldn't kill someone in one if you tried."

I looked at her in confusion.

"W-What do you mean?"

She smirked. Then her whole body started to glow with a yellow light.

"This is what I mean."

Her body glowed so bright I could hardly see anything else in the room. It was blinding me.

The room started to fill with static and my eyes went wide as I saw large thunderbolts protruding from Rei's body.


A huge bolt of electricity came flying towards me faster than my eyes could see.


It hit me with a direct hit. It was more painful than I was expecting it to be. I dropped to my knees and Maria shrieked.

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