Chapter 50

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I boarded the escalator down to the train station and made my way back to the main Dungeon Hub.

It's really crowded this time of day. Most hunters are finishing up their raids and heading off to the market to sell all kinds of loot.

I walked outside and started to head towards the market center as well, I am one of those hunters after all. It took me about 10 minutes to make my way over, I walked pretty quickly.

"Hey kid! Welcome back!"

The merchant smiled and looked me in the eyes curiously.

"Which dungeon did you end up going to? Any of the ones I recommended?"

"A couple of them actually. The Minotaur Dungeon is pretty cool."

He eyed me closer while narrowing his stare.

"You said you hunt solo though...right?

"Yeah, I can handle it. Don't worry about me old man."

With a grin I emptied my mana onto the table. It's almost 3 dozen crystals. The merchant raised an eyebrow and stared placing all of them on the measuring plate.

"Looks like you can handle yourself pretty well after all, not bad."

The scale read out 3881.66MU in big black text.

"Hmmm, I'll give ya-"

"Wait hold on I have more."

I pulled out the two large axes and the merchant's eyes lit up.

"Let me take a look at those."

I handed him the axes and he examined them closely.

"A 150 and a 200 strength boost axe. Not bad at all. Just like last time you sold me gear, I told you it'd be a better price at auction but I'm still happy to buy these from you today.'

"Yeah, I'm looking to get rid of them quick. Still, I hope you give me a decent price."

"I can do 30 for the 150 strength axe and 45 for the 200. You could easily get double in auction, but that's my price here."

They are low prices, but I understand how the business works. Going to the auction would take up a full day potentially, its really not worth my time right now.

"How about 120 silver for the mana and the axes all together?"

He looked over everything and nodded slowly.

"Yeah. That works. You want it in all silver?"

I thought to myself for a moment. 100 silver is equal to 1 gold, I've never had a gold coin before... why not? It'll be easier to store anyways.

"One gold, 20 silver."

The merchant nodded and counted out my coins. I took them and placed the silver in my item storage as the old man took the mana and axes to the back of his shop. He did a small double take the moment I opened up my storage skill but didn't say a word. I didn't think much of it either, I was a bit distracted. The gold coin in my hand glimmered in the setting sun, my eyes were locked on it. I flipped it around in my fingers with a large grin on my face from ear to ear.

With a wave goodbye I left the market and got a nice big meal at a family restaurant and strolled down the street with a full belly.

I stopped by a convenience store to purchase one of the latest additions of a comic book I enjoy reading about hunters and Heroes.

The sun had completely set now. After walking all the way back to the Inn I was greeted by the attendant at front desk before making my way up to my room.

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