Chapter 56

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"Conner Peneth," the dean of our school, speaks as he raises his arm to gesture towards the next student. My boyfriend, in his cap and gown adorned with many medals, sashes, and pins, walks across the stage, the biggest smile on his face. I stand with the rest of his family as we clap and cheer for him. We were way too high up; I doubt he even knew where we were sitting.

"That's my baby!! That's my son!" Madeline was jumping up and down, screaming. Kyan quickly put his hands around the woman's waist to keep her from jumping off the balcony. She has some pipes on her, and nobody missed the way Conner whipped his head around and looked into the crowd.

There was a chuckle that went over the crowd, but Madeline doesn't give two shits, which just makes me laugh as well. He happily takes his diploma and poses for the photographer as Mya stands as perfectly still as possible, recording the whole thing.

"You look like a sparkly penguin," Kadeline whispers into the phone so that the recording will pick it up. I start to laugh quietly at it, trying not to, knowing my boyfriend will hear it in the recording.

It's kinda true though; our colors are gold and maroon. No longer the ducks. Thank god. So, the robes sparkled a bit, and I don't really see the penguin, but he does look sparkly.

The family sits down as soon as he finds his spot, and I follow, sitting patiently through the ceremony, clapping and cheering for my friends as they received their diplomas.

As they listed off the last kid and started their final speech, the atmosphere seemed to only grow while bubbly soon-to-be ex-students moved their tassels, taking their caps off moments later. Our dean said his final words, and all hell broke loose as students tossed their caps, some saying "fuck the school" and ripping their robes off to reveal weird outfits of all kinds, knowing the dean can't revoke their diploma for it.

I had grown, and I didn't care how loud I was cheering for my friends - I mean, I was nowhere near as crazy as Madeline, who once again was being practically restrained by her husband. Well, he made it look like it was nothing, but she was fighting for her life to cheer her son on in a pretty violent way.

Our whole group was speed walking, which included the extended family of Conner's too. Like Kayson and Holden, whom I love so much. Their kids, who I'm on much better terms with; it's obvious they still feel guilty, but even Kyan does. It's so obvious, but I won't dwell on it.

My only focus is when I finally spot Conner. Someone else shouts his name, and the family migrates over, but once again, I'm willingly running for the man. He sees me coming and throws his arms open as I practically plow into him. He doesn't even budge, just hugs me tightly, kissing my head.

"I'm so proud of you," I tell him as arms are joined to our hugs, his two sisters joining in. Conner's black hair has gotten longer and shaggier. He wants to cut it, and we will soon, but his team had all been growing it out, refusing to cut their hair until the season was over. Then it became a bet on who foul work it the longest. I think Conner won but Eden and Jessica say otherwise.

"Oh my god, you're like smart now!" Kadeline flicks the cap he had managed to find. We wrote his name in it before, but who knows if it is actually his, not me. Probably him.

"Only thanks to my human Google giving me all the answers," he smacks the girl lightly on the head before looking at me. I release him from the hug and roll my eyes.

"Yeah right, I helped you in like one class," I remind him. He shakes his head, but I don't say anything else, letting him have time with his family, excited for him.

Life has been crazy. I came back in August, and Conner and I visited a few apartments we had liked looking at over the summer and decided on one pretty quickly. My mother is out of the picture completely. Dad got a job on the computer so he can stay at home and not deteriorate his health anymore. He struggled at first, but I helped him through it. Emery will come and visit for a bit next year, and that will help him save more money. I'm just happy he's trying.

"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" A hand is slipped around my waist. I smile and turn to Conner, shaking myself out of my thoughts.

"Just about everything that has happened and changed," I tell him the truth, reaching a hand up to touch his chest. His cap is back on and making him look a bit goofy, but I know he's still incredibly hot.

"So all wonderful good things," he teases, and I nod, both of our smiles only widening.

"You know you're supposed to be with your family right now - reminder I live with you," I reach up to flick his forehead. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

"I will, we still have the big dinner with everybody, and some of them are crashing at the apartment - plenty of time," he reminds me this time, followed by a large groan.

"What?" I ask, standing up off of him more, concerned by his change in tone.

"How are we supposed to have celebratory sex? We always have celebratory sex after everything," he whispers, being so sincere about it and genuinely upset, which just makes me laugh.

"Sorry, we'll have to hold off as soon as your family is gone tomorrow, then we can," I pat his shoulder, and he drops his head back with a groan.

"But-" he doesn't get to state his case when he's once again overcome by family hugging and asking questions. "What job are you going for? Do you have a job?" Some of the family that I haven't met ask questions about where he lives and 'where's the lovely boyfriend I've heard about?' Then he awkwardly pulls me from whatever conversation I'm in to show me off, making me do a spin and everything. Sometimes he's like a parent; he loves to brag about me, my future album, and my brain as well. "He's pretty much set for life either way!" My boyfriend sings my praises.

I mingle with other friends, knowing I'll be grabbed when I'm needed, which isn't very long after I disappear. I was right in the middle of talking about Renee's future plans when a hand wraps around mine.

"Sorry we've got to steal this one!"

"Hey, what's up?" Holden has my hand and is weaving me through many people and out the door before I see the whole family posing together for pictures, some lining up to take a picture with Conner in front of one of the giant statues on our campus.

"Madeline didn't sneak enough pictures of you, so she needs some while you're both paying attention," he jokes, as I just let the family move me as they please. I'm pressed against Conner in a hug immediately, smiling at him until he points at the camera. With a heavy breath still not confident with how I look in pictures I turn towards the group and am bombarded by pictures seconds later; the twins are thrown in the picture next, then Kyan, and soon Madeline. Suddenly more join the picture, and I feel like maybe I shouldn't be in all the family pictures, but I'm not sure how to escape. Instead of getting further away the more people that join the picture, the harder I squeeze into Conner.

"Yeah, I know, this family needs to stop reproducing." He whispers in my ear, making me go red as I stifle my laughter.

Pictures continue to be taken, not even caring if this mass group is all looking or not. I can see these pictures being really funny in a few years. Finally, Madeline steps away from the pile of people, and Kyan follows after her. She now faces the group who's all chattering, catching up with their relatives they haven't seen in a while.

Kyan stands behind his wife, being a threatening presence that quickly makes everybody go quiet as they turn to pay attention to his wife. She smiles happily, her bubbly self such a contrast to the scary guy behind her.

"We have a reservation waiting for us at Clairo! So if everybody wants to meet us there we can start dinner! Just say you're there as a group with Madeline Peneth," she explains while many start to run to their cars ready for food. Conner stays still, taking his cap off and turning to me.

"Thanks for dealing with all this," he tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"You warned me beforehand there would be a lot people. So of course," I smile up at him, his other arm wrapping around me again.

"Will you be comfortable eating in front of all those people?" He asks the next question as I shrug.

"We will find out. More than likely. I just would prefer not sitting right in the middle," I murmur, and he nods, leaning in to kiss me.

"My favorite graduate," I whisper, smiling once again at him.

"Don't let Tanya hear you say that."

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