Chapter 13

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I admire myself in the mirror. For once I put myself in an outfit I liked. Not just to hide my body. My jeans are a bit tighter, but they hang loosely at the bottom. I remember begging my mom for them becasue I wanted to try the style. I thought my thighs had looked great in them and I was fucking thrilled to wear them, but the day I finally wore them to school I was made fun of for it. No mercy whatsoever.

'Oh the fat kids thinks he can wear tight clothes now' They tried to go to the teachers in an attempt to get me to change, but obviously they didn't have any reason to make me change. I've never wore them since. No matter how much I liked them. I think Conner will like them though. I had throw on a bigger beige t- shirt and then a few gold necklaces. Fighting to get my one pair of studded gold earrings in. One side bled a little and I realized then that I haven't had earrings in- in like a year so they had probably been closed.

I had really dug into the bottom of my belongings to find all my jewelry, but I want to look good for him. Leaning over the sink I throw my curly black hair up into a higher bun immediately pulling some curls out to frame my face. I touch my cheeks and make a face wishing I had more of a jawline. Maybe he likes the fluffy look? That's got to be why he likes me.

With my hair done I stand back to look in the mirror again. I tuck in my shirt and immediately cringe at the way it rests against my body. When it's all out I don't like it much either. Maybe I want him to see my ass. Okay yeah I'm desperate... what if he thinks I'm gross. With one last attempt I tuck one side in, but pull it out a little more so it still falls over my stomach, but my good asset is on display. God damn it I'm cringy. I don't get to pout about my grossness long before I hear the door open.

"Callum? You in here?" Conner calls followed by the door shutting. I take a deep breath, hyping myself up while I open the bathroom door.

"Yeah I'm here" I don't make eye contact with him and instead go straight to my bed, putting my other stuff away and putting my shoes on.

"Well hello beautiful" his voice is low and not something I've heard before. I quickly stand and turn to find him much closer than he previously was.

"Hi" I smile taking in his appearance. His black hair still wet from his shower and he ended up going with a pair of ripped black jeans and and a tight black polo shirt. His jewelry is the biggest contrast to mine with a small silver chain around his neck.

"How was practice?" I ask while his eyes rake over me. My voice seems to pull him out his thoughts as he bites his lip and looks back up at my eyes.

"Hot, tiring, and so long. I was too excited for tonight. I just wanted it to be over with" he admits as his hands reach forward. I raise my arms hesitantly, placing them on his shoulders as he rests his on my hips pulling me in.

"I'm excited too". One hand leaves my hip to cup my cheek before I'm guided into a soft kiss. When I pull back the distance between us is hardly anything as my eyes locked onto his narrow blue ones. 

"You look really good" I give him a compliment earning me another kiss.

"Says you baby boy. Fuck, those jeans look so good on you." His hands drop down to the top of my jeans not going any further, but I blush anyways, hugging myself to him.

"I'm glad you like them I was nervous" I admit. Conner is quick to shake his head.

"Only thing you've got to be nervous about is me stopping us from even leaving" he chuckles as I give him an unamused look.

"And why would that be" I press a soft kiss to his lips. When I step back he pulls me right back in for another one.

"Because you look so god damn delectable" he groans squeezing me tighter. My breath catches in my throat and I grip onto his shoulders stabilizing myself, and hiding from the lusty look he's giving me.

"Conner..." I don't know what to say. I'm once again speechless.

"I'm sorry, but how don't you have people knocking down our damn door. If I saw you walking past me looking like this I'd be running after you to get your number" he continues while I try to not keel over and die from how fast my heart is beating. My outfit isn't even fancy. I think it's pretty basic.

"I've talked enough. Let's get some dinner" he walks over to his nightstand grabbing his keys and wallet. I hurry to my side and grab my stuff as well earning me an amused look, but nothing is said as he opens the door for me and closes it behind us.

"Can I hold your hand?" We had hardly gotten down the hall, but my face lights up. In front of people! Here?!

"Of course!" I definitely come off too strong, but I don't even care. He takes my hand and our fingers intertwine making my heat skip a beep. Nothing else is said as Conner leads the way to the back parking lot.

"I knew you had a jeep but I wasn't expecting a wrangler" I laugh as he opens the passenger door for me.

"Actually- you are in college! How did you afford this?" I asks getting a sheepish look in return as he closes the door. I continue to stare at him as he hops into the driver's side and starts the car before finally turning to me.

There is some rock quietly playing in the background and I suddenly get nervous knowing I'm in his car with him.

"Already asking personal questions before we even get to dinner" he teases. I of course roll my eyes.

"My mom is a photographer and my dad just recently retired from his roller derby career with his brother. There team was like really good. People collected sports cards with them on them kinda good. Anyway between my mom occasionally getting these high paying jobs and my dad's events they're pretty well set. So this was my going away to college gift since I was able to pay for most of college with scholarships. They wanted to give me something and I have a little obsession with jeeps" he admits immediately putting the vehicle in reverse and pulling out of the parking lot.

"That's really cool! I've never actually met somebody who's done roller derby. That's actually crazy. Do you like skating? I'm surprised you didn't get into it?" I continue to pester, but he just smiles, making another turn. When we're going straight again his hand reaches over and grabs my knee. I let my hand fall to his, squeezing it lightly.

"I like rollerskating, but I found and still find more joy in football, plus I am pretty good at football. Now my sisters- Jesus fucking Christ those girls even give my dad a run for his money, it's crazy. Both are crazy strong teenagers. Love roller derby and even got a team together. So they could got to a competition" I love how much he smiles while talking about them.

"They sound terrifying, but they sound a lot like you. So how many siblings do you have?" I ask while his hand squeezes my knee.

"Two. Mya and Kadeline they're twins" he explains as I repeat the names.

"Yeah Mya and then Kadeline it's spelled with a K but pronounced with a C" he explains, obviously so happy to talk about them.

"Is there a special reason?" I keep going, turning to face him more.

"My dad's name is Kyan and my mom's names is Madeline. They were trying to mush their names together. They creatively though of Kadeline but I feel like they gave up a bit with Mya. Don't tell her I said that though she'd bite me. I just know they didn't really want to name her Myan." He whispers it like some secret and I can't stop the laugh that escapes my mouth.

"God I could talk about my family forever"

"We'll I'd gladly listen to you talk about them forever" I tell him. He looks over at me for a split second. The softness on his face, making my heart flutter.

"I've told my mom about you... called her like a lost teenage" he admits pulling into the parking lot of a diner. It looks homey though. It looks friendly.

"You did?" I whisper and he nods putting the jeep in park.

"She proceeded to tell my dad and my uncles and my grandparents and my cousins... so yeah my whole entire family knows that I've been kicking my feet like a schoolgirl over this adorable boy named Callum who happens to be my roommate" he leans over into my space while turning the vehicle off in one swift motion. Deep breath. My gaze momentarily drops down to his lips, but I correct myself and quickly look back up.

"You're just using me for my guitar"

"Oh you caught me"

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