Chapter 11

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My worries are now overwhelming. As soon as the clock hit 1 am those worries doubled. He's still not here yet. He had a game. I'm sure it's just the after party but he should have texted me. He usually does. I'll give him a piece of my mind if it's just a party. Should I stay up? If it is a party, knowing him he'll be out for a few more hours. Thankfully i didn't have to think much longer as a loud knock comes from the door followed by a groan.

"Cally my key- it's in my pocket, but I can't find it" I hear him clearly, clear enough to tell he is not sober at all. I roll my eyes but get up putting my guitar away before opening the door for him. Conner stumbles in and I close the door turning a light on.

"Let's fine your key, and get you in something comfortable" I tell him. He nods pulling his beer stained shirt off and tossing it to the floor with a a look showing he was pleased with himself. I huff, but bend over to pick it up getting a groan in response.

"What?"I hurry over. He doesn't say anything just works on getting his jeans off. I don't look, but wait my arms outstretched. He gives them to me and I put them in my hamper grabbing his socks as well as the shoes he had kicked to the side.

"Key" I grumble, pulling his jeans back out of my hamper, searching the pockets till I find his keycard. I set it on his nightstand before going to mine. I hand the idiot my water bottle, still refusing to look as he chugs a good portion and hands it back stumbling over to his dresser. When he's finally dressed I look him over wishing I would have taken the chance to look before.

"Connor are you hungry, I can run down and get you something?" I ask as he goes for the light. Slowly and laughing the whole time. I sigh and get there first turning it back off. He giggled about it before getting in my space wrapping his arms around me for a hug. I quickly suck in, and timidly hug him back.

"Hello, my prince" he breathes out the smell of alcohol quite prominent in his breath. He didn't mean to say that. He did not mean to say that.

"Conner" I hold back the tremor in my voice just from his pet name.

"Play me something please" he motions towards my guitar. I nod not really wanting to leave as he nuzzles his face into my neck. I inhale sharply and force myself to stand straighter as his arms squeeze my torso.

"Fuck... why did I get so- so drunk... couldn't stop think bout you- had to leave so early" he admits as my face goes red.

"Me?" I whisper while he stumbles out of my grip and goes to my bed, grabbing Will.

"We won! Yay we won! It's our first football game you and We won Cally! You should have come- want you to wear-" I cut him off there.

"Me at a football game? Maybe if I can find some other people to go with" I sit down right next to him.

"Play me something" He tries to position the guitar on my lap correctly and I laugh flipping it around since he had the strings facing my stomach.

"Okay" I answer anyway.

"Thank you" he hums in response as I play the cover of an older Bon Jovi song that took way to long to learn and I've slowed it down immensely. Plus it's a hard song to play in the dark, going by memory completely.

"I love this song" he begins to sway back and forth with the music.

"I know" I tell him before finishing the song. He continues to sway to nothing while I put Will away for the night. When he finishes the song in his head he shifts to lay down, resting his head on my leg. A very content noise falls from his lips as he nuzzles into my thigh making me cringe. At least I have pants on. He's too drunk to notice how big they are.

You Play the Field - I Play the Strings ✔️Where stories live. Discover now