Chapter 28

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"This assignment will be hard" the groans followed by that statement makes me hold back a laugh. A class of 100 something. All of us considered adults and we're still moaning and groaning about schoolwork.

"That being said-" the atmosphere brightens up immediately and I can visibly see students sit up more, leaning forward on their tables as if being closer to Ms. Wremshire would make it all better.

"I'll let you partner up" she smiles a sweet smile and just those words would make you think we just graduated. There are shouts of joy and some of the class clowns are standing up and hugging onto each other wiping fake tears. Others are hurrying to partner up as the smile falters from our professor's face.

"Listen up" She taps the mini microphone strapped to her blouse and it catches our attention making everyone sit down. A few squat right to the ground since they're no longer near their desks and some just sit on their desks, knowing Ms. Wremshire could care less. She just wants to leave. Give us the work and instructions and get us out of here as quickly as possible.

"This assignment is as I said pretty hard. I would honestly suggest partnering up. Two or three people. If you would prefer to work alone, you will receive extra credit." She explains making me perk up immediately. Extra credit? I like extra credit. I don't really need extra credit, but I also really don't want to work with anyone. I leave for the Peneth household soon, so I want to get it done quickly. I also said I'd go to Utah with him for that game.

I can't do it I just got to get it done quickly. So, I somehow have to break it to my boyfriend that he can't distract me.

"With that you're all dismissed" I instantly gather my things putting them into the bag I finally invested in getting absolutely sick of losing and ripping things. I've had this habit of dropping pencils or pens or even worksheets and being too embarrassed to bend over and pick them up I just let them go unless some gracious soul picks it up and returns it to me. Then I play dumb and pretend I didn't even realize I lost it.

When I manage to get out of the building, I'm somewhat surprised to see Conner leaning against one of the pillars on his phone. I walk over to him confused and my confusions turns to worry when I see his fist bruised and cut?! I rush over crowding into his personal space without a care.

"What happen!?" I almost yell taking his free hand and inspecting it.

"Hello, my prince how was class?" He asks, kissing my head. I roll my eyes and lightly smack his shoulder.

"No trying to change the subject mister! What happen!?" Conner pockets his phone and silently takes my bag from my shoulder, carrying it himself.

"I wasn't very happy with what happen last week. I had been doing good at not saying anything or doing anything to them, but Cash smiled at some guy, and I don't know why it just pissed me off. So, I waited for him to be alone, and I tossed that mother fucker to the damn ground-"

"Conner!" I go to scold him, but he grabs my chin putting the pad of his thumb on my bottom lip to silence me. It works. My eyes go wide, and I can feel my ears turning incredibly pink.

"Wait a second baby- let me finish" he cuts me off. I nod letting it happen as his hand falls back to his side.

"I punched the ground by his head. Besides slamming him to the ground I didn't hurt him. Just said some really mean things and made it incredibly clear that I'd dent his face in if he touched a hair on your head, glanced at you, makes any sort of comment, says your name, or anything else." he explains, and I pout looking up at him.

"I appreciate you looking out for me but now your fist hurts" I tell the idiot, but he shrugs it off like it is nothing.

"It's not fine" I huff smacking his shoulder as we start our walk back to I assume our dorm. His arm goes around my side, and I lean into him enjoying the warmth he brings being next to me.

"Just be careful. We don't need to be living some kind of cringy movie. You're also not a high schooler don't go fighting people over nothing" I roll my eyes and it is his turn to pout, while he squeezes my side.

"It's not for nothing. He destroyed your property. He harassed you. Not nothing" he pulls his card out and opens up the dorm building door for me. I scoot in quickly and he follows.

I send a wave to Tanya as we walk by her, and she doesn't take that making sure to run a hand through my hair messing up my curls. I huff and give her the middle finger, not meaning it. Our wordless banter really fuels my social needs.

Conner chuckles at our antics, but we seemed to have dropped the previous conversation. Once we're in our dorm I detach from him and immediately go to my bed pulling out everything I'll need for this project.

I'll start with mapping it out. The steps I'll need to complete. I've just begun to start writing immediately stopping when I hear the stifled laughing. I look up, biting the end of my pencil to see Conner looking back at me, crossing his arms.


"Why on Earth are you diving nose first into work already?" He asks. I give him a glare.

"I have a project. I'm doing it by myself, so I need to hurry it up if I want to have it somewhat done before we leave for your house" I explain, and he pouts.

"No distractions" I point my pencil accusingly at him before returning to my work.

"Don't stress yourself out baby boy" he hops onto the bed next to me moving a book out of the way and getting close to my ear.

"I won't stress out if I get it done. So. Don't. Distract. Me." I flick his forehead trying to turn away.

An arm wraps around me and the hand connected to that arm slides up my shirt feeling nice and warm against my icy skin.

"Conner" I whine attempting to put some more summaries and details into my steps as the hand creeps up further.

"I swear I say I don't want distractions and you hear that as please fuck me? Is that what you heard? Conner? Tell me- Conner" my irritation turns into more of a gasp as his lips attack my neck.

"Can I get my one distraction out first and then leave you alone. Maybe cuddle your side as you work?" He asks. I roll my eyes before turning to give him a kiss.

"If I can get a decent way into this project and you still want to do something we can. Sound good?" I tell him. He nods kissing my cheek once before even reaching up to kiss my forehead.

"Only if you want to. I was just trying to mess with you, irritate my lovely boyfriend." He tells me his hand holding onto my arm as I write, he just wants to touch.

That however is when I see his knuckles again. I huff and gently slam my stuff to the side while standing.

"Stay" I tell him, and he immediately sits back down with a huff as I go into the bathroom for my secret weapon. This will teach him not to fight.

With my secret weapon I leave the bathroom and sit on the ground in front of him. Of course, Conner's first thought is to start playing with my hair, tugging at the curls as I situate myself on my knees. 

"What's that?" He asks finally noticing the box in my hands.

"Hopefully something that will stop you from fighting" I huff opening the box up.

"You're kidding? I'm not wearing those."

"Yes, you are. Suffer the consequences. I'd understand self-defense, but you literally mutilated the ground for no reason" I remind him before softly wiping away the leftover dirt and other grime.

When I find the cuts clean enough, I pull out the box again and carefully lay four Hello Kitty band aids over his knuckles until they're all covered.

"You know the last thing I expect when my boyfriend gets on his knees is for him to put Hello Kitty band aids on my hands" he laughs. I shrug standing up with my trash.

"Don't take them off. You wear this with pride or be embarrassed. Stop beating up the ground" I throw the trash away and put the box back before sitting on my bed again and kissing his forehead.

He hands me my stuff and I get right to work. Conner lays down, finding a way to cuddle himself around me. I can't help but smile at his cuteness and one of my hands falls to rub his shoulder.

"Can you at least kiss my ouchie?"

"Oh, you big baby"

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