Chapter 4

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Those comments. Why won't they stop. It's the same three too. I don't even know what I did! After taking some extra time to dig through my drawers, I had taken some of my looser clothes to the bathroom sith me. After giving it a second though I hurry back out to grab a sweatshirt. Once the door is shut I lean against it checking the weather. "Hot... that's all I'm getting. 80!? Still" I groan to myself.

"You okay in there Callum!? I'm going to assume bad things with you huffing and puffing!" Conner shouts making me go red.

"Shut up you perv I'm just upset about something!" I yell back hitting the door for extra emphasis as he practically cackles. Ignoring his ugly laugh I slip out of my pajamas and pull a baggier pair of jeans on and then my t-shirt. I pull at the bottom a bit making sure it doesn't cling to me at all before throwing the sweatshirt on top of it. Texas Lone star was scrawled out in old faded letters and I roll my eyes at it. Whoo Texas!

With that I brush my teeth and then brush my hair, well lick at my curls as best as I can before putting everything away and freeing the bathroom up. I throw my dirty clothes in my hamper and start to put my shoes on getting stopped before I can do anything else.

"It's hot out, I don't think you'll need a sweatshirt" he gives me this charming smirk that would definitely make me and many others fall for him but I won't let it happen, nope. He's definitely an asshole. I tug at my sweatshirt a bit contemplating it. If I think about it this is good. I'll sweat more and lose weight faster.

"I'm okay, thanks though" why did I say thanks? Thanks for being concerned? Ugh I'm so weird.

"Are you sure? Don't want you passing out. Who else will help me with my homework?" He reveals his true intentions.

"Here I was thinking that you actually might care about me" I pout making him go still for some weird reason. I probably look weird. I hurry to relax my face just to clench my jaw again in an attempt to hide the obvious fat on my face.

"Well maybe I do? Like I said homework buddy" he steps in front of me completely and I have to a hide a gulp at the way he looks down at me.

"You sure know how to make a man feel good about himself" I keep it playful. In return he steps closer to me making it so hard to keep a straight face and hide the pink color that's creeping up my neck and head in straight for my cheeks.

"Are you seriously going to take it? I'm just warning you, you'll take it off and then be stuck with extra shit in your hands" he shrugs and I dramatically shrug back trying to tease his stupid gesture.

"I won't take it off- now why are you trying to start an argument with me over a sweatshirt. I'm wearing it not you. Does Texas offend you? Because believe it or not I'm not from Oregon" I wave a hand in his face, not in anyway trying to be rude just dramatic and annoying.

"Nope no probelm at all just trying to take-" he suddenly yawns and I roll my eyes.

"You totally just changed the subject" I tell him and he shrugs with that annoying smirk of his. Before I can open my mouth to say something about his horrible way of trying to get out of it he speaks first.

"Fine. Then at least put your hair up" before I can tell him no he's moving behind me. I'm surprised and slightly pulled back as he takes my hair bunching it up first. He ignores how I went silent in shock as he takes my arm with his free hand and pulls my hair tie off of my wrist.

Conner admittedly struggles for a minute but I stay silent. He does eventually get it and steps back from me as I just stare at the ground shocked and flustered. My attempt at cooling down is cut short as he grabs my shoulders and turns me around it.

"Well you make messy hair look good, but I did awful. You can redo it" he laughs pulling at a strand that immediately had fallen out of the low pony. It perfectly framed my face which I am thankful for because I hate when my face is just out for everyone to see. I feel like my hair acts as my shield.

"No it's okay, thank you." I tell him almost letting myself think that he might actually like me. Why can't we just be friends why does my heart and brain immediately want to just throw myself at him. Why my roommate!? We could be best friends! Do a bunch of cool bro things together... ew Cal. Shut up. I don't even like him. He's just hot.

"Cool, we'll end that fight there for today. Now you better hurry before you're late." He tells me and I instantly pull away, wide. I rush to my bed grabbing everything I'll need for statistics.

"Notebook check, pencil... book... yeah check- Conner if you're the reason I'm late I'm going to beat you when I gets back" I shout stumbling into my shows before going for the door while checking if my phone is in my pocket as well as my keycard. I hardly get the door open when it's slammed shut by a different hand. I go still and slowly turn, looking up at him confused. I stay silent, waiting for what on earth he could need and why he had to get my attention in such a hot way.

"Folder?" He says, licking his lip after as my face drops. "I'm so dumb I would haven't gotten anywhere if I forgot my actual work" I go to get it from I assume our desk, but I'm stopped as he holds it out in front of me pushing off of the door.

"Okay I hate you less... thanks" I smile getting a small smile in return. "Of course. Anything for my favorite roommate" he chuckles as I open the door again. "Your only roommate" I call before shutting the door and running.

My run turns to a walk when I catch a glimpse of two of my three harassers. Keeping my head down I can't help the smile when part of my ponytail falls out. I'm never taking it out. I will forever wear my hair like this. He basically played with my hair.

"Callum, why'd you stop running? Out of breath already?" I had found out his name is Cash. Cash, Jerron, and Royce who isn't here at the moment. Royce is the tall lanky one. Cash with the bluish black hair and then Jerron. I choose to ignore them and walk by trying not to hear the whispers.

"I'm sure I could get with it... as long as I closed my eyes" Jerron laughs and soon the both are joking back and forth, wrestling each other while insulting me.

I ignore the burning feeling in my throat. The way their words really hurt... it's motivation. The more it hurts or when I think I'm sweating too much or getting too hot. I'll be able to power through it. Obviously nobody wants me like this.

I've been trying to let it go, let it slide but it hasn't been working. It never was. I'm too fucking sensitive. When I finally make it to the bright building I speed walk-in the rest of the way and hastily take my spot with a minute to spare.

Everybody is complaining about the heat some being jokester and bringing their own little fans and even the professor starts to snap about 'why they should turn the dann AC on'. I agree, but I should be seeing it as a good thing! I'll sweat more. As gross as it is, it's for the best. You can do this. Make yourself look good. Make it so people want you.

Fuck them I don't even care. Well kinda. I don't care, nope not all. I'm not taking my sweatshirt off though. Man I really want to kiss Conner. Fuck okay maybe I should really fight to change roommates. I can't do that to him. It's rude. Inappropriate really.

Okay focus I'm in class. Not time for me to be thinking about my weight or boy crushes. Statistics yay math shit. I hurry to get caught up already behind on what Profesor Bauch was talking about. I have found that he really hates his job. He does not want to to be here. He makes it known too. Starts the lesson right away and doesn't bother to answer questions either just keeps going on.

So yes I really do not like him, but it's fine. I don't want to be here either. If he really is miserable though I feel like he should just quit instead of setting a bunch of people up for failure. Maybe he finds joy out of it.

I could see Conner doing that. Okay god damn it stop thinking about him. Him and his perfect looks. Him doing anything...

Statistics! Fuck Callum think statistics!

Statistically speaking what chance do I have with him?

I did not just think that...

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