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Days passed by and New changes happened in the Comic industry. The poster attack became my big climax to the company's market detachment problems.

Without a doubt, it all turn out even better than I had have hoped as the new survey tallying was commencing and just the preliminary accounting was already great.

In the end, Dunphy Comics likers reached 97% which was a big jump from 89% of last week.

Of course, there were also the issue ratings, top 3 titles, and top 5 character ranking but all of that could be left for the respective departments to tackle.

Still, the character posters had better be done well every week as it seems that customer suggestions were asking for the sale of each weekly poster print.

I, being the newfound capitalist that I'm, wouldn't refuse those requests and had the employees sort out that additional profit source.

Either way, Dunphy Comics' inclusivity and fan attraction were at an all-time high and the Dunphy Weekly Surveys and Dunphy Weekly Top Winners would be enough for long-time sustainability.

Customer satisfaction and the contributary questions would always cycle back and I have truly emulated the Japanese manga industry's bolstering tradition and making it an aspect of Dunphy Comics.

It wasn't a imitation of the manga popularity strategy that made my win much glorious but it was the fact that I changed the American comic book industry and I'm on my way to making it permanent.

As Dunphy Surveys and Dunphy Popularity Polls continue to perpetuate, Dunphy Comics and the franchise it holds would continue to perpetuate itself as well.

My employees were also able to see the implications of such a groundbreaking achievement and they finally realized why their boss was adamant about making the surveys be their norm.

In any case, their boss is already a Comic- making Monster and Business master so in their eyes so adding a Business Strategy Monster in that roster is within an acceptable range.

All in all, a congratulatory mood was present in the company as the comic sales outside were booming and their track to being the best company in the industry was coming along.

Nobody could have expected that it would all be sublimated and kickstarted with a popularity poster of Dunphy characters.


I still isn't be satisfied with the now popularized popularity poster though. The weekly polls and surveys still have to truly make their mark and it just so happens that the next new release day was its true calling.

That mentioned day eventually arrived and what better way to gauge the market's reaction than the Dunphy Store.

Mr. Counterboy opened up the shop once again and he is now familiar with the curious fanboy that somehow always leads the Dunphy buy train.

Greetings and acquaintances could be made later as he still had a lot to set up. The preparations were already made for the day's release and surveys but this waiting crowd at least have to give him time to sweep the floors and whatnot.

Finally, the store door sign was flipped to show 'Open' and the crowd got in unimpeded.

Ever since the last two survey days, the release day was peak traffic for any comic book store and the owners had no complaint about it.

These many owners were even considering having the event be extended for an entire week but a 30,000 questionnaire quota is more than enough for Dunphy Comics to not be overwhelmed.

Anyways, aside from picking up the much-awaited Dragonball #20 and the surprise release of The Transformers #3: Transform, the crowd also took the time to line up to the survey booth and gossip once again about the renewed comic title rankings and the shift in the top characters.

It was fun for them to realize that it was now Bulma who was smugly wearing the gold 1 crown while riding atop of Bumblebee who was bumped to a rust 4 crown.

Aside from the top shift in the top 5, the Creed fans were also happy to see the shift of the numbers in the background character crowd.

The shift meant that their top picks have been heard and a new exciting poster of Dunphy characters' creative huddles is to be admired.

It had to be said that comic book magazines were also featuring and analyzing extensively on the Dunphy popularity rankings.

The surveyees felt pride at that and at the same time they felt the fun of the magazines' theories on who the next champions would be.

Just like the Comic's Buyers Guide magazine had foretold, pretty Bulma was extremely appealing to geeks and nerds, so there was no way that they'd be satisfied with her at number 2.

Just like the analyst also said, since Bumblebee was the main MVP of last week's release, he had jumped from 5 to 4.

All in all, it was exciting times in the comic community with a new topic of interest for them to debate about as they theorized who would be the next popular champions and how the background character crowd would shift.

Dunphy Comics would better continue the popularity event or else they would protest. This was the collective suggestion that the nerds wrote on their new suggestion box.


After the excitement of the survey line, the buy train finally formed and it was time for Mr. Counterboy to do his job.

Before the fanboy could mouth off his weekly dose of asking for Mr. William's insider information, Mr. Counterboy beat him to it.

"If you guys are wondering about anything, fret not as your requests and help have been made use of." He said to the crowd. "If you look in that corner, you'll find yourself be able to buy the Top Dunphy Comic Character posters for a reasonable price."

The nerds' eyes then shone whether they had glasses or not.

Of course, the counter person still wasn't finished. "If you're wondering about last last week's 'jetplanes' and Bumblebee car, all you have to do is turn your T T #3 issues and find your contribution has been utilized. Mr. William would like to thank you all and hope for your continued help through the surveys."


And so, the final after-climax move from the 'Inclusivity through Mail' initiative was set off, not just from the Dunphy Store but everywhere else.

Everyone who still hasn't flipped their Transformers issue found what their respective store counter boy's meant.

Those who still haven't noticed realized that the robotic alien transformed into a yellow 1967 Volkswagen Beetle and they all thought it was amazing. I didn't skimp out on a page for the transformation sequence after all.

As for the baffling jetplane name question that has been bugging them, the hunting Decepticon that trailed Bumblebee has clearly chosen to transform into a jet.

If their assumptions were correct then the Beetle was the result of the survey and 'Blitzwing' was the name that the majority had chosen.

Whatever the case, everyone who got the connection between the surveys, the polls, and the comic books has collectively boiled.

Their voices were being heard and how else could they replicate other than buying whatever Dunphy Comics puts out, participating in surveys, and unknowingly becoming diehard fans.

Without doubt, sales skyrocketed that fateful day along with the brand value of Dunphy Comics being collectively elevated to New greater heights.

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