Contacting stores and Pac- man

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1970s- 80s set off the storm of Arcade game machines in America and then it spread around the world. Arcade video games were like messangers of pop culture. Which set off the golden era of video Arcade games around the world. In my previous life, Arcade game craze began with Game space invaders but I am determined to bring this golden era with Tetris.

Later on various Well known and fantastic games will be introduced in the market by my hands. This industry, which generates billions of dollars every year in America only, must be eaten by me in majority proportions. More the merrier. After occupying American market, later I will expand it into Canada, Europe and Asia especially Japan, south Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South east Asia as well.

It is risky in South America but other arrangements will be done to ensure the profits and safety of property. Arcade Machine loaded with Tetris game is being assembled and produced in factory and I have sent my trusted  sales employees to contact various game hall owner and others who are interested in doing business in Arcade game halls. And to convince them in installing our machines and earning some share of profit from it.

I also contacted dad, grandpa and uncle Mitchell to contact others so that I can start this whole thing as soon as possible. Cost of installing arcade Machine in game halls during this time is around 2,000 to 2,500$ per machine on average. It varies from place to place and from game to game as well as from brand to brand. I knew that Tetris and other games (of which I have knowledge about from my previous life) which I will develop will become instant hits and mark their name in golden letters in the history of video Arcade games.

I'm also aware of the fact that once this industry will start generating billions of dollars thanks to me others will also come to share and some will come to snatch the pie. But I'm all ready with advanced foresight, planning, advantage of best games and technological edge as well as my well crafted full proof copyright fortress.

I know that on my previous life in 1984 video Arcade market in America crashed, losses were huge and later on after 1987-90 it started to pick pace again. But there were various reasons for such decline and one of the most significant of them was duplication of original games, secondary games based on concept of popular games flooding the market and saturation of Arcade machine in market etc.

Possibility of first two will be reduced as much as possible by my control over games and it's concept being copyrighted. Last one will be dealt with clever management and business strategy of controlling number of arcade Machine in market and raising it's value, as well as affordable upgradation of old machine with New machine to refresh & introduce new blood for stalling old blood industry veins for which I need to occupy major proportions in the market in America and around the world as demanded and required.

Old machine can transported and installed outside America, in Europe and Asia to open more market and satisfying growing demands. When maximum possible profits will be done extracting, we will proceed by their discard into other industries by their disassembly.

These things are in future, now I'm focusing on Coding game pac- man and contacting owner to rent/sell machine and sharing some profits from game playing while putting rest of the largest profit Chunk in my pocket.

Since my company is just starting and new in this video Arcade game industry, I decided the price of Tetris arcade Machine at around 3,000$, which will increase as name of our company, fame and craze of game spread more and more.

And also this current price is set in medium income places eg. Nevada, Ohio, Mississippi etc. while in places of high income and rich neighborhood, it will reach 3,800 to 4,300$ per machine eg. LA, New York, California, New Jersey etc. Later on it will reach as High as 10,000 - 12,000$ based on game and geography as craze spread.

What Atari, Nintendo, Sega, Microsoft, Namco or anyone else no can make any waves, all the profits will enter my pocket only, in majority proportions. From the start I will dominate this industry till the end. More the merrier is my goal which will be achieved shortly after. Rest of the minor & little few major profits will be collected as well when I will pick the peaches of these heavily injured and dead fellows after market crash.

Days passed by and I also started to get good news. Most of the owners agreed after seeing and playing the game and machines started to get sold. Some adopted the rent method which was also agreed upon. I also made them  sign contract where profits from earning will also be shared. Things were going great and completion of Pac- man is also nearing.

Meanwhile tens of thousands of arcade Machines produced at my factory started selling across United States. This thing is huge. Along with these Arcade game machines, tens of thousands of the copies of Tetris were also sold.

In order to secure and prevent theft/copy of the core program of game console, I made quite a strong Anti- piracy encryption system. Which is somewhat advanced compared to the present level of programming and technology in the market. So, once the external system is forced to take the test, core program will self destruct.

With tens of thousands of copies being sold across various places in USA in first time is no less than sort of good luck. Arcade game market in USA is for from just this number and when our partners will start earning money, word of mouth will spread in industry & society which will create more demand and more partners for my company and hence more profits for me which will help me and my venture to expand and grow.

Days goes by and finally development of Pac- man is also completed. Another gold mine of game industry is under me. While I'm occupying American market, I am making plans to enter European and Asian markets as well. South Korean, Japanese, south east Asian economy is developing at fast rate these years and I'm gearing to eat majority of these pies alone.

These countries are in very good diplomatic and defence relationship with USA and their economy is open and quite inviting of US Capital and provides subsidies, Govt. level support and policy benefits to US Capital. Some sectors have preventive and restrictive policies to provide support & thrive to domestic capital and businesses which I planned to enter through by establishing cooperative relationship with their domestic group & banks.

These things will take time but preparation is going to start pretty soon. I'm also keeping in mind to have low key penetration and in quite few core industries. Reason for that is, according to my previous life's knowledge, when Soros and it's Hegde fund alongwith famous and wealthy Wall Street funds and capital companies will start sorting currency of South east Asia along with Japan and South Korea etc, I can sweep these things at much lower price.

Not only that, sorting of British pound, The Black Wednesday incident is when Soros and it's hedge fund really became famous globally for first time. He is a Jewish banker with somewhat peculiar world view. I can contact and build relationship with him and then use him as solider and extract profits for me, from these events, from which he benefitted most in my previous life. In this way, I will eat fattest meat in shadow while he will drink soup in open and face the consequences which he faced in the first place but this time with much less profit.

Modern family: AdditionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara