Luke's birthday and Fizbo (2)

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Scene: At Gas station

Cameron : Oh, I get it. You're worried about people seeing me.

Mitchell : Without question.

Cameron : You know, people are gonna stare. They're not used to
seeing one clown in a car.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: At party

Manny : That's her... Bianca Douglas.

Gloria : She's so cute.

Manny : Yeah, and she has good handwriting. She's the complete
package. Wish me luck.

Jay : You don't need luck. You just remember those jokes I told
you, hmm?

Manny : We have to stop meeting like this.

Bianca : What?

Manny : We go to school together.

Bianca : Oh, yeah.

Manny : Do you like jokes?

Bianca : Sure.

Manny : Great. Okay. So, a grasshopper named Gary walks into a bar. Oh, no. You're not supposed to know his name. Let me try another one, okay? Knock, knock.

Bianca : Who's there?

Manny : Interrupting cow.

Bianca : Interrupting cow who?

Manny : Moo. Oh, crap.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: At gas station

Mitchell : Um, hey.

Man : Hey, yourself. Move.

Mitchell : You kind of just bumped me with your car.

Man : I don't think so.

Mitchell : No, no, you did, because, um, see, yeah, I got grease on my pants, and then also I felt it.

Man : Call an ambulance.

Mitchell : Okay, I just thought you might want to know in case
you wanted to be a decent human being and apologize, but... no?
Okay. Ass.

Man : What did you say?

Mitchell : Just forget about it, all right?

Man : Listen, carrot top, I didn't touch you, so do the smart thing... Shut your hole, get in your car, and drive away.

Cameron : Is there a problem here?

Man : What the hell are you?

Cameron : I'm the ass-kicking clown that'll twist you like a balloon animal. I will beat your head against this bumper until the airbags deploy, so apologize to my boyfriend right now!

Man : Apologize... boyfriend?

Cameron : Apologize!

Man : Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Cameron : Let's go. We're gonna be late.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: At party

Gloria : Mind if I come in?

Manny : Sure.

Gloria : Come here. Why you bounce so sad?

Manny : I told all my jokes. It turns out I'm not the funny guy.

Gloria : The right girl will find you when it's time, even though
I'm gonna hate losing you to another woman.

Manny : You'll never lose me, Mom. I'll always love you, no
matter what.

Gloria : Oh. You see right there? You need no tricks. Just be the
sweet, wonderful little boy that you are.

Manny : Sweet little boy... Got it. She won't know what hit her.

Claire : Hey, Manny, want to make a sweet comb sheath?

Manny : Could not be a worse time, Claire.

Phil : Oh. It's so peaceful and quiet over here.

Claire : Ha ha. If you came over here to gloat, I already know it's a dud.

Phil : Actually, I came to give you this. It's your favorite flavor...

Claire : Thanks, honey.

Phil : And your hair looks really nice.

Claire : Mm, thanks. I've been combing it all day.

Tanya : All right. Let's all give Luke a big hand or being so brave.

Luke : It feels so weird. What does it eat?

Tanya : Oh, just little-boy brains.

Me: Well, at least Luke's got nothing to worry about.

Alex: Haha.

Dylan : Is there mayo in this?

Haley : No, you're good. Um, so, I was thinking that maybe we
could go slip away.

Tanya : So, does anyone want to pet the iguana?

Dylan : Hells, yes. Oh, man. I love lizards. What's his name?

Tanya : Her name is Lizzy.

Dylan : Wow. I totally get that.

Alex : You don't deserve this.

Haley : What?

Alex : Hot reptile chick, you know, probably has her own
apartment, obviously okay touching gross stuff.

Haley : They're just talking.
Alex : You're right. Dylan's far too sophisticated to get sucked in
by a single lady with tons of cool tattoos.

Dylan : Hey. I think it peed on me.

Tanya : Oh, no. No way, mother nature.

Dylan : I can't believe he does that.

Jay : Hey, what am I missing, guys? Aw, geez, Gloria.

Gloria : Jay, look! I go high! Look, look!

Jay : Hey, guys, hit the road. Come on, you're family men. Come
on, scat.

Phil : Great job, buddy. Now comes the fun part. Rappel down.

Luke : It's really high.

Phil : You have nothing to fear but fear itself... and the concrete,
but I'm right here, buddy.

Luke : Okay, just catch me.

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