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Jay: Hang on a sec. I didn't say anything until now. I want to ask only one question from you William. Why do you want so much money as much as, you are thinking about lotteries. What's in your mind? What's your plan.

Me( I took deep breath) : I want to buy a company. A comic book publishing company which is going to bankruptcy. I have some comics which I have created and I want to publish it. Here take a look.

After flashback back to the scene of family dinner

I handed my first few issues of Dragon Ball z, penciled and painted with good colours to my grandpa.

Me( while handing) : This is a comic book which I have in my mind. These are the first few issues of the comic. Name of the comic is ' Dragon ball Z ' , it's much more than what you will get to know from it but try see if you like it or not.

Jay started reading as everyone grouped around him. Alex, Luke, Manny, Mom, dad, Uncle Mitchell etc. everyone. They are shocked to their core seeing such facinating actions, attention grabbing storyline and colourful world. There mouth remained open for some time but after that they were completely engrossed in the comic.

After finished reading all the issues, I gave to them, they stared at me for few seconds and started looking around. Luke started running upstairs to barge into my room and Manny wasn't behind but after some time they returned sad.

Phil: Buddy, son, I knew you were Genius but this, this is something else. It's genius Genius. How do you come up with that.

Jay: I am so much impressed from you right now that I can't describe it. You are the real real deal man.

Alex: it's so good that I can't wait to see next issue.

Hayley: Will, sweetheart, where are the other issues. Give it to us, I'm dying to read what happened next.

Me: You guys liked it. Don't worry I have some more issues with me but first tell me about your decisions.

Jay: I'm totally your side. But why do you want a comic book publishing company. It's good as it is, if you want, I can contact the publisher to publish your comic.

Me: Grandpa, it seems that you have little knowledge about comic industry. Publishing is very crucial, important aspect that I have to navigate with. What paper type and dimensions I use are within this consideration. Matters about the Comics Code Authority, getting around them, and how to conform to them.
This factor also takes into account how and what should be considered in making the content. Publishers wouldn't publish works that would bring backlash and lawsuits.

That is of course if you are the publisher and you could dictate how things go.
However, backlash and lawsuits are still on the table. Easily triggered parents out for blood on comics that brainwash their children into committing violence and sin. Don't you know what happened earlier.

I didn't know whether they were really doing it for a cause or doing it just for kicks. Their sense of entitlement is something that creators need to take note of with every work they publish.
Lawsuits are also another troublesome thing to dig deep on. The comic book industry has so many similarities and parallels that everyone willing enough could sue someone they think is copying their work.

Me continued: You all may not be hardcore comic fans so right now you don't understand what my comic means. On top of that it will be very long lasting and wide range covering. It's not the things of day or two, my this comic only can last upto 7-8 years. I can later make cartoons of it as well, it's peripheral income etc. I don't want to handover my comic rights to others nor I want to be tool man for others. This is just one comic, I have few more different ideas in my mind. I don't want anyone to do fiddle with my story and characters. There are various other reasons but I think I have made my point.

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