Early development

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MC's pov:

My parents named me William. So my name became William Dunphy. I needed to eat alot so I drank more milk than normal baby drinks. As per science, for first 6 months it advisable that baby drinks only mother's milk. Then after that time you can start feeding him other simple foods which are easy to digest.

Thanks to system, my physique was much better than my peers, but this fact was not known to anyone except me so in terms of food type, my development was same as others. But I am genius and I don't want to resign myself to mediocrity if I have better potential. I also wanted my family members to have an impression that I'm genius so that I can start my plans to fullfill my dream early and being genius should become my thing.

So after 2 month of my birth, I started trying to sit and in 3 month itself, I started crawling. I was much stronger than my peers so it wasn't difficult for my bones and body. My family touted me as genius and I was also happy. During these three months, I became very close to my family as everyone was talking to me, trying to make me happy and smile more.

My mother encouraged me to crawl and walk and I responded to that. In 4th month, I started to walk on my foots with the help of support and also started saying making cute noises with my mouth. It was pretty incredible because it usually takes 6-8 months for baby to start sitting and 14-18 months to start walking on their feet with the help of some support.

For speaking, it takes 0.9-1.2 years to say 1 or 2 words and 2-2.5 years or more to form sentences so I was way much ahead of others. <I have system and Azmuth level intelligence at full capacity so my growth and development can not be assessed by human standards. I remembered a fact from my previous life that most of the brain development and structuring took place in early years of childhood.

Almost 80% brain development and structuring is completed upto the age of 3 and 90% upto the age of 5. This period heavily dictates the thinking process, cognitive capabilities and character of children in their life. So in order to present a Seemingly logical and scientific reason for my talent and abilities, which will be revealed as my age progresses, no matter even if it's truth or not; I decided to use and apply this scientific fact to myself.

That is why, I decided to familiarise myself with acedamic knowledge, technology and few artistic talents at very early age. There can be only one person in my family through which or due to her initiative, I can smoothly and reasonably entered into academic world to creat and maintain the facade for others to see and achieve completion of my plans and ie. My elder sister Alex Dunphy. Meanwhile with the help of Hayley and mom, same thing can be applied for artistic skills and few other skills eg. Cooking etc.>

These thoughts were churning into my mind and I with full efforts entered into it's execution.
Claire motioning to Phil, Alex & Luke and said: " Look, baby is walking!!!! Baby is walking!!!! O my God, O my God..... Phil film it,. Film this moment. My baby is genius, my baby is genius."
Phil hurried to get camcorder as claire took my palms gently and encouraged me to move around with her help.

I also responded and moved around wobbly with her help. During this time I was always smiling and giggling, my mouth was little open so saliva came out of my mouth and started flowing down the cheeck. Meanwhile Phil also came with his camcorder and started recording. Listening to loud noises downstairs, Hayley also came. Phil was filming me and I also deliberately turned my head towards camcorder sometimes and smiled & giggled.

Everyone laughed and took me into their arms and kissed & pampered me. Alex was reading her books which are quite colourful and had some pictures as well. She also took me into her arms then I noticed this book on table. I knew from here I can start my execution. When Alex took me into her arms to kiss me, I turned my head towards book, leaned forward towards it  and started waving my hands towards book in order to make others understand that, this book has attracted my attention and curiosity and I wanted to move closer towards it to see what it is.

Alex and mom somewhat understood me and alex moved me closer towards book and I started patting on the pages seeing picture,colours and started  giggling and making weird noises like: "abuhhh...m.mmm...saaaa.....aabbbhhh.....huuuu". Seeing me making noises and patting on book, Alex made me sit on table in front of book while supporting me.

I stopped my giggling, patting and stopped making noises. I started to stare intently at picture & text and started moving my palm on picture and text. I wanted others to look at my behaviour and think that I'm interested in book so that they start giving me picture books and start teaching me words and language. So that I can start learning math, science and other things as much and as early as possible ( obviously to show others as I already know maths and science at the level of college).

After some time, alex stretched his hands to took book. I grabbed the pages of book with my little palms and refused to leave. She somehow freed my palms grabbing pages and took away the book. Seeing that book was out of my hands, I started crying and throwing tantrums.

Mom said: " Oh baby stop crying. Shuuuu.... what happened. Someone did something to you?"

She lifted me from table and took me into her arms and started patting me gently and Swinging lightly to distract me. But I was adamant and continued crying.
Seeing me crying like this alex who took book away from me, once again opened the book and brought it closer to my face. Seeing this, I stopped crying slowly and streched my hands, opened my palms and grabbed pages of book and after couple of seconds stopped crying completely and started smiling.

Seeing my behaviour Alex said: " I think he likes the book."

Mom said: " really, are you sure?"

Alex once again freed the pages of book from my palms and took it away. I once again started crying after that she once again opened the book and brought it in front of my face. I once again started to stop crying slowly and grabbed the pages of book with my palms. Seeing this Claire said: " You are right, he likes those pictures and colours. I think we should buy some picture books and toys for baby."

After that I still didn't abandon the book and after crying and some trantum, I slept with book by my side. My family was awed by my behaviour. Next day when I woke up, I saw book was gone but I thought, I have proved my points. Let's see what happens.
After that days, my parents bought me picture books and then sometimes mom, sometimes dad and something my siblings started to teach me few words and encouraged me to say it.

Time passed like that and during 5th month, I spoke my first word which was "Mm..aa ..Ma..mm..aa Ma". My mother was overjoyed and dad took his camcorder and started to film and urged me to say 'pa' and I looked into camcorder and said the 'pa' in same fashion I said 'ma'. During 6th and 7th month, I started saying 4- 5 words simultaneously. jay, Gloria and Mitchell also came to meet during this time and were astonished to see me walk and speak some words at this early age and touted me as genius.

I also responded to their urges and called them grandpa, uncle etc. or what they urged me to say. During 9 to 10th month, my parents and Alex started teaching me alphabets and some sentences in English language. I played along for their sake as I was already master of English language. In 1 year I was able to speak sentences and was able to write. I learned fast and people thought me more.

Seeing my performance and behaviour mom said: " Ok, he is Very intelligent but he will  become nerd."

Alex said: " No, you are wrong. He is genius and like me he also prefers to dive into Ocean of knowledge rather than playing into garbage of dumbness."

Phil said: " My son is definitely intelligent and i think We should start teaching him more eg. Maths, reading and some things which kids learn during pre- kindergarten  and kindergarten. and give him some fun game to play like those mind games and puzzles."

Modern family: Additionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें