Moon landing (1)

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Scene: Dunphy household

Claire : Hmm, these pancakes smell great.

Phil : What are you doing with those?

Alex : Luke and I are doing a recycling drive. If we collect enough bottles, they build a school in Africa.

Me: Come on Alex! you believe in this lie? Cold war is going on man; the most we Americans want right now is influence over Africa....militarily....not by building schools.

Luke : Wouldn't that be so cool to go to a school made out of

Alex : That would certainly be a special school. Did you hear what I said, parents... "special school"?

Me: Hahaha. Good one. (High fived)

Haley : Okay. Nobody make a big deal about it, but I just broke up
with Dylan.

Me: Good for you.

Phil : No!

Claire : Oh, my gosh. Are you okay, honey?

Haley : Yeah, I'm fine. I just... I need to date someone who has a
clue, instead of an idiot who bangs his head every time he rides his bike out of his garage. Every time.

Me: Dating someone....Now that's bad.

Phil : I'm sorry, honey. I'm sorry for both of you. I'll have to text
him later.

Claire : Mm. I got to jump in the shower. I'm gonna be late.

Luke : Where are you going?

Claire : I'm going to meet my friend Valerie. I haven't seen her in 15 years. We used to work together.

Luke : You worked?

Claire : Mm- hmm.

Luke : I can't imagine you working.

Phil : Luke, let me tell you something. That is very offensive to women. Your mom works very hard... Just now, she works for us.

Claire : I will have you know that I had quite the little career
going. I was an account manager at Starcrest Hotels. I had a little
cubicle, And I... and I wore my tennis shoes to work and changed into my work pumps. It was very "working girl."

Phil : That's movie's so cl.

Claire : Mm-hmm. I don't mind saying, I was making quite a

Alex : Well, then, why'd you quit?

Claire : Well, Haley, call me old-fashioned, But I wanted to focus on raising a family, so...I married your dad.

Phil : And five months later, we... Were...Four months away from
having this little bundle of joy.

Claire : Mm-hmm.

Me: Mom, if you want; I can arrange a good job for you in my companies. In coming few months, I have some extra projects; I can use your help.

Claire: Aww.... thank you baby but I think I need more time to think about it. I....I am not ready yet....psychologically.

Me: Okay. Whenever you want.

(Cut the scene)

Gloria : There's my lawyer!


Mitchell : Gloria got into a little car accident, So my dad asked me to help her out. And, uh, this is the first time that my dad's asked me for legal advice, and it's... it's nice. It's nice to know that he
respects me in that way.

Cameron : Well, Mitchell is an amazing lawyer. My dream for him is that one day he'll be on the supreme court.

Mitchell : Why, Cam?

Cameron : So at parties, I can tell everyone my partner is one of
the Supremes.

(Back to the scene)

Scene: Pritchett household

Cameron : There he is! The steely, grizzled veteran ready to do
battle with the plucky upstart. Speed versus grace. Brute force
Jay : Let's just do this.


Cameron : Jay and I are both gym rats. I love the sauna that's the
dry heat... And the steam... wet. And, of course, I am just a kook
for racquetball... Club champ two years in a row, Tonganoxie,
Missouri, rec center. So, naturally, Jay and I have been trying for
month to get together to bang the old hollow rubber ball around.

Jay : I have been avoiding this day like the plague. I mean, part of
going to the gym is the locker-room atmosphere. And if I'm there with a gay guy, it's just not gonna be the same. I mean, for me, it's a locker room. For him, it's a showroom. She doesn't get it.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Phil driving the car

Phil : * I'll let you see my scar * What the hell?


Phil : Some people call me a salesman. I call myself a "salesfriend." So, obviously, I need strangers to trust me. I don't take kindly to it when someone Tom Sellecks my bus bench.

(Back to the scene)

Phil : Phil Dunphy.

Barbara : Phil, it's Barbara. The Pattersons want to back out of the deal.

Phil : Why?! What happened?!

Barbara : The wife's getting cold feet. I told her to call you.

Phil : Okay. Fine. I'll handle it. I'm not losing this sale!

Barbara : By the way...

Phil : I've spend way too much time on it.

Barbara : Um, Phil, do you take Elm when you come to...

Phil : I saw it, Barbara.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Gym's locker room

Cameron : It's a terrific gym, Jay. Very liberal with the towels. I
love that.

Jay : Showers are private, in case you're wondering.

Cameron : I wasn't, but thanks for the heads-up. Now, that's a
surprise... boxers.

Jay : Is that necessary?

Cameron : Well, I just always pictured you as a tighty-whitey guy

Jay : Well, do me a favor the next time you picture me, leave the
underwear out of it.

Cameron : Well, don't you worry. The only thing I'm picturing is
how clean the floor is gonna be When I'm done mopping it with

Jay : Is that the best you can do? 'cause it's gonna take a little more than some lame trash talk to get me out of my... Gah! (Jay & Cameron started sitting on bench) What the hell was that?!

Cameron : Our butts pressed against each other.

Jay : They didn't press. It was glancing. Stop talking about it!

Cameron : Oh, come on. All the time you've spent in the locker
room, this can't be your first moon landing.

Jay : You got a name for it?

Cameron : It's very common. You got off easy. At least it didn't
happen after a shower.

Jay : Enough.

Cameron : We call that a splashdown.

Jay : That's it. I'm changing in the stall. Excuse me!

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household

Hayley : I saw the picture, Dylan. You had your arm around her
with that humpy look you get! No, that's not always how you
look! We're over!

Phil : So, I'd really like to talk to you, Mrs. Patterson and see if we can't turn this thing around. Uh, you've got my number. Thank

Haley : I said we are over. Why don't you go out for a nice bike

Phil : Dylan again, huh? Some guys just do not know how to play it.

Haley : Dad, what are you doing?

Phil : Oh, right. Just, uh, test-driving my new soup strainer. I dug it out of the Halloween stuff to see what people think. (Phil turned while answering and we see him with mustache)


Phil : Do people want their real-estate advice from someone who leads or from someone who follows? I'm betting these babies are coming back in a big way. Buy low, sell high. People are gonna see this and say, "that guy is high."

(Back to the scene)

Construction guy : Sorry to bother you, sir. We're doing work next
door and nicked a main, so we're gonna have to shut down your

Phil : Oh, okay. No problem.

Construction guy : Yeah, it shouldn't be too long. And if you
happen to need it, there's a port-a-potty out front.

Phil : Thanks. Yeah. Hey. Nice mustache.

Construction guy : yeah, man. You too, brother.


Phil : "you too, brother."

(Back to the scene)

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