Chapter 31

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Brooks surprises me when he picks me up at 7 on the dot. For some reason, he never struck me as the punctual type. And I guess that's just a testament to how much Brooks has been challenging my misconceptions of him the more time that we spend together.

Brooks warned me to dress comfortably even though I told him I was planning on wearing that short dress. He told me to save it for another night, and when I asked him why and what he had planned, he wouldn't tell me.

"Brooks! I hate surprises!" I playfully state as he drives us in his Mercedes down the local highway.

"You won't hate this one, Red," he assures me.

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because...uncertainty is good for you, babe."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I say, shutting him up. He smiles, reaching for my hand and bringing it to his lips to plant a kiss on the palm of it.

We make it to our destination, and Brooks puts the car in park, coming to my side to get the door for me. He's so quick that I don't even have a second to act.

"You know? This would've been more fun with a blindfold," he tells me when I step out of the car.

"Yeah, blindfold me and see what happens to your ass," I teasingly threaten him.

We walk hand-in-hand as I take in our surroundings. We're at Brooks' private beach.

"You picked me up to bring me to your house?" I ask him. "You drove 30 minutes just to get me. I would've Ubered here."

Brooks' house – or mansion, I should say – is in a totally different neighborhood than mine. A 15-minute drive each way, to be precise. The Caldwells live in a gated community, AKA, an exclusive one, one that you must have millions of dollars in your bank account to be a part of.

"So? It was worth it, Red. I got 15 more minutes with you than I would've gotten had I not picked you up. I'm not complaining."

I look at him admiringly and then pull him towards me so that I can kiss him.

"Thank you," I softly say as I pull away, and we continue to make our way towards the beach.

Brooks enters some sort of access code on the intercom, which opens this gate. We've only taken a few steps when I start freaking out. Because before me is an outdoor movie screen the size of my house planted into the sand.

"Brooks," I hesitatingly state, followed by nothing else, simply because I can't find any words.

"Yeah, Red?" he softly pronounces with a hint of excitement in his tone. But I don't speak. My jaw is dropped, and my eyes are wide.

He carefully walks us to the beige cloth that's splayed across the sand and covered in rose petals. And that's not all. There are wood lanterns off to the side, lighting up the area.

"Did you do all this?" I finally ask in amazement.

"Do you like it?"

I scan my surroundings again, still not comprehending how this is possible. "I...I..."

I don't know what to say.

"I love it," I finally state, my words coming out breathlessly.

Brooks smiles with his lips closed and I can't help but shake my head in disbelief. This is incredible.

"Brooks, I...I don't know what to say."

I don't think I'll ever get over this.

There's a damn movie screen on the beach.

I repeat.

Movie. Screen. On. The. Beach.

He sits down on the blanket, pulling me with him so that I'm sitting in between his legs. He then reaches for the basket, which contains snacks and a bottle of champagne.

"Bella told me you prefer salty over sweet, so I made sure to get extra popcorn," he says as he hands me an empty popcorn box. "Original, white cheddar, or extra butter?" he asks as he holds up three different bags.

I point to the bag all the way to the right. "Extra butter, please."

"Extra butter for my girl," he repeats with a nod. "Coming right up."

He fills my popcorn box and then helps himself to the original flavor, but then pours a packet of M&Ms into it.

"My love, what are you doing?" I ask, watching him with a puzzled reaction.

"There's no combo like sweet and savory, babe." He nods his head at my popcorn box. "Here, try it."

I shelter my popcorn box under my arm and away from Brooks. "Hell no, don't even think about touching my popcorn."

"I'm telling you; you don't know what you're missing out on."

"Nausea. That's what I'm missing out on," I joke.

Brooks chuckles, then chews on his bottom lip. "You know what else I like about? Your humor."

"You calling me funny, Caldwell?"

"Yeah," he says. "Funny." He inches his body closer to me. "Sexy. Hardworking." He pauses, gazing at me intently. "Beautiful."

I gulp. I don't know why hearing Brooks call me beautiful makes me nervous, but it does. "You think I'm beautiful?"

He nods slowly, whispering, "Yeah. Very beautiful."

I move my face in, closer to his, until there's no space separating our lips. He slowly opens his mouth, allowing mine to meet it, and everything about our kiss is magnetic. I end up planting one knee on each side of his thigh, and my hands move to the nape of his neck as his hands cup my jaw. I get so lost in my physical interactions with him, but I don't mind because it's not the type of lost that leaves me confused, scared, or unaware.

It's the type of lost that makes me not want to be found.

Under the Stars (Sequel to Across the Pond)Where stories live. Discover now