all my love

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A U T H O R' S N O T E

i remember writing the ending note for insomniacs once i'd completed it, and i was a mess then. it's weird saying goodbye to a story that you've put your all into, becoming the characters and feeling as they feel.

if i was a mess then, i'm a lot worse now. particularly in the last year, i've gained such a profound passion for writing. i never want to give it up. and although i know i'm not perfect, only seventeen with hopefully many more years where i can learn to progress, i just hope that i can share something comforting to you all. something worthwhile. whether that be through a simple laugh here or there, to a cry, or to any messages you may have found along the way within these teenage characters i constructed as a teen myself.

i'm not an expert, not even close. i just really like this stuff. but its not just the writing. its the unconditional support, how immersed you all get with the characters, the love and attachment that i feel myself. it's beyond anything i ever thought capable for my books. it literally gives me life.

we're at 283k reads now, whilst insomniacs is at a million and counting. it's crazy. and i'd love to take my books further one day. it'd be a dream.

everest and violet are the tender ones. the sweethearts. i made them in mind of the gentlest people in my life, that despite their suffering, maintain a sweetness beyond belief. they're some of the people i admire most.

i made everest and violet in admiration, two characters i almost wished to be like. who possess flaws, and imperfections and an innate gentleness despite their darkness. who have only ever hid from the world. so misfits is for those hiding in plain sight. you're my favourite type of people, without doubt. like little treasure gems, hidden right underneath our noses.

all of us possess a little darkness, and a little pain. but i think every one of us are strong enough to outweigh that darkness, with our better parts. because we all do have our better parts. if you're strong enough to keep fighting, day by day, which can be a feat in itself, then you're strong enough to keep going. i adore you.

so, i know there are a lot of unanswered questions in misfits but it's all purposeful, setting up future books and possible series. but mostly, setting up the final book of The Loveless Trilogy - Rivals. hudson tempest and val emerson will be coming to you next.

no release date yet but expect a new level of angst, and a hell of a lot more smut and the most painful sort of love yet. i'm so excited for them.

i'm obsessed with pinterest and i'm always teasing books, or plot lines on there, so if you follow me anywhere i'd suggest it be there. or tiktok. both of them are @linaawritess.

i won't be writing an epilogue scene for misfits, since Rivals will be leading on from this, and i intend to maybe write an epilogue book at the end of the trilogy. not entirely confirmed yet, but it's likely. so i'll save it for then. but you're not missing out, i promise. everest and violet's wedding pans out in rivals, and it'll be a fun one.

like i've said from the very start, you have all my love. endlessly. thank you for sticking with me. to the end of misfits, and the start of rivals :)

all my love forever and evermore <333

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