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It's almost two in the morning and I can't stop pacing. I'm assuming Everest went to the party after the game, only that he texted me about ten minutes ago. Absolute gibberish.

It's just a mash of letters and now, I'm pretty sure he's drunk. I know he can handle himself, even if he is but he'd been doing well. Eating a lot of chocolate but refraining from alcohol.

I don't know if I should call him. I'm also half terrified that he's going to be having sex with some girl. Which is fine. Cool. Because like I've reiterated, we aren't anything and he's used to fucking and alcohol. I'm anticipating a stomach twisting sort of emotion though, if I do realise that he's with a girl, which I do not want to feel. That sole feeling complicates things tenfold.

I throw my phone on my bed and walk around my room, Leia in my clutch.

This is stupid. I shouldn't be stressing so much. I look down to Leia, "I'm stupid. And Mr Stupidly Attractive is making my brain hurt."

I don't think she listens to that but whatever. I walk her over to where her little bowl of food and water sit, letting her eat. Ripley's fast asleep in her cage, curled up in the corner.

I run a hand through my hair, yawning as I walk into my bathroom. I hate staying up late and prefer waking early in the mornings. I debate taking a warm, cosy shower because it always helps relax me enough to tire me out.

Just as I go to turn it on, my phone rings from my room. My eyes shoot open as soon as I see the contact name. I hurriedly pick up.


"Violet Fawn." He sounds like he's smiling. He clears his throat, "I think we have a slight little problem."

My face falls, "You're drunk?"

"Nope. Negative. Nay." He babbles. I narrow my eyes, disbelieving but he clarifies, "I think I could fly. I am as high as the sky."

"Um-" I walk back into my bathroom, "That's not a great alternative."

So he just got high instead of drinking? Both of them seem just as bad. That doesn't seem like a solution whatsoever.

"I think it's perfect. And it probably won't kill my liver so that's a plus, right? Anyways, shh. I need to tell you the slight little problem." He rambles but I realise something. There's no party noise around him, not even distantly.

"You're not at a party?" My eyebrows pinch together.

"Aw, come on, Vy. You stole my proclamation. That's what I've been gearing up to this whole time-" He sighs and then regathers himself, "I heard you live in that big manor."

"Yeah. So you didn't drink tonight?" I ask, still a little suspicious.

"Nope. So is your room on the right side or the left?"

"Left. What did you do instead? Just smoke a load of joints?" I ask, turning on the shower to let it heat up and trying to make sense of what he's saying. If he's telling the truth.

"Yeah. They were a doozy. Pretty strong. Hudson Tempest weed is like crazy good weed." He says and I hear some scuffle so I'm assuming he's walking outside somewhere.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't drink. That's a pretty big step." I encourage. Especially if he was surrounded by the environment.

And then my eyebrows slowly furrow as I actually comprehend the questions he was asking me. The questions he was asking me. Hold on—

"Where are you?" My eyes start to widen.

"The left side of your big manor."

I think I almost drop my phone. I don't and clutch it tighter, hurrying out of my bathroom. There's no way he did this. Nobody in their right mind would.

Misfits (#2)Where stories live. Discover now