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"Something's up with you."

"Yes. You." I say, "Up my ass, currently."

Luca doesn't look happy. I'm trying to peacefully play Uncharted on this seventy five inch TV and for once, it's not me that won't shut up.

I'm in the Drowned City right now and this takes a lot of my brain power. I don't have much brain power as it is. I've spent several hours trying to get to this point and now stupid Eddy cornered me and Nate threw us off a fucking cliff-

The screen goes black. I gasp but it comes out more like a tortured squeak.

My jaw is permanently pried open when Luca stands in front of me, blocking my view. I'm frozen. I might kill him, "I swear to all things holy, if that didn't save, I'm going to take a massive shit on your pillow."

He doesn't budge and I hate that he's so big and tall, easily able to block my view. He's snatched the TV remote and now, rips the controller from my hands and tosses it on a separate couch.

"Something's up with you. Tell me what it is." Luca doesn't relent, his face sharpened and harsh.

I sigh, feigning seriousness. Leaning forwards, I clasp my hands together and plaster on a torn expression, nodding, "Yeah, you're right."

He's silent, gauging me.

"I adopted a baby panda in China and it died. Brutally. Machete to the heart."

Someone snorts behind me and I turn over my shoulder as Miguel walks in, clad only in his sweatpants and a black baseball cap on his head. His curls peek out from underneath the hat, a bowl of popcorn in his hand as he relaxes on the couch besides me.

Luca's fifteen year old brother. My sometimes partner in crime.

"Is that my chain?" Luca narrows his eyes.

"Yada yada." Miguel waves him off, definitely wearing his older brother's chain around his neck. Such a fucking stud. My lips tip up at his appearance and he winks at me playfully, "Hey, sexy."

I swat him away, "Stop, sweethear-"

"Piss off. Miguel, sit in a separate room." Luca immediately says. He's also clad in only his sweatpants. Why am I the only one with a t-shirt on?

Miguel raises an eyebrow, "If you two need some alone time, I get it. Me and Ria have always had our suspicions."

His eyebrows furrow now, "What suspicions?"

"That you're actually madly in love." He feigns a swoon, throwing popcorn and catching it in his mouth.

Luca doesn't even flinch. I used to think he was made of impenetrable stone and that absolutely nothing could get through it. I was oh so wrong.

I could mention anything to do with Ria being mildly hurt and he'll try to hide the way he feels like he's been punched in the stomach. She's the sledgehammer to all his stone, instead wrapping him in layers of a newfound strength.

It's the type of love I could dream of. Where nothing else exists outside of each other. To the very core, they're best friends that would sacrifice it all for the other.

I knew Ria at her lowest and I knew Luca at his darkest. Every day, they love each other out of the depths they once fell into.

Ugh. I hate them.

Once realising Miguel's not moving, Luca turns his attention to me, "I will beat it out of you. Ev, you can fucking talk to me. I don't get it."

I swallow the weird emotions in my throat. He's serious and I don't like it. Luca. Serious.

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