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We're all eating as a family. It's unusual but not totally unfamiliar. Usually, one of us is missing. Sage is either at a business meeting or Grayson's out somewhere, or mother's holed up in her room.

It wasn't organised but we're all here and nothing crazy has happened yet. It's unnerving, like a cloud I'm waiting to explode.

Azure's devouring a novel instead of focusing on his food so when I lift his paperback, he slowly glares at me. Like an animal on the prowl so I assure, "I saved your page. Eat, demon."

He reiterates harshly, "Demon's don't fucking ea-"

"Azure." Sage reprimands because of his language.

"Oh, do excuse me. I'll ensure to keep my tongue as untainted as yours." He bites back, "God forbid a bad word ever left that mouth of yours, big bro."

"Why are you so fucking dramatic?" Grayson speaks up, not looking up to any of us, "Just say fuck off and be done with it."

My fingers tighten around my fork as I look between them. Uh oh.

"And what is it exactly that's up your ass?" Azure tilts his head, "You're stiffer than usual. Did the strip club not help?"

My eyes widen, snapping up. Grayson's jaw clenches and he looks up, glaring at Azure from across the table. We all know what Gray's nights entail but nobody ever really voices it aloud.

"Oh, right." Azure continues, eyes so full of bitterness that I'm on edge, "I forgot you prefer bringing hookers home now."

Well, the easy silence didn't last long. Grayson slams his glass full of whiskey down, the tension suffocating the dining room within minutes. Sage is watching them wearily whilst mom sits there, toying with her food like a lifeless body.

Sometimes, I resent her so much it hurts. She might as well have just left us after Auburn died. Because she was never present, not emotionally, not physically. A ghost in the background that threw us all to the shadows.

Azure was only three when mom stopped looking after him. She forgot to feed him, forgot he existed and whilst Sage had started working so heavily, and Grayson disappeared to drink himself away, everybody forgot Azure. I raised him.

I bought him new clothes, dressed him for school and brushed his teeth in the morning. When he couldn't sleep, I'd stay awake for him and when he was ill, I nursed him back to health. There she sits, doing nothing. As she's always done.

I never admit it to myself but it was exhausting. I became a tired kid. She watched and then she beat me when she got the chance.

"Learn to shut the fuck up." Grayson says but it's not his usual tone. It's dark and almost hateful. Everyone seems to silence at it and though Azure keeps on his cold mask, I see the way his shoulders tense.

I haven't seen Grayson for a long while. He looks different, in a way I can't place. Harder, quieter but angrier. He's simmering in something and it seems as if it's moments away from boiling over.

Azure goes to bite something but Sage gives me the look. It's one I know well, for when Azure starts to get out of control. Before he can speak, I gently grasp his wrist so he looks at me, "Az. Please."

Azure Amory listens to no one. He doesn't obey, or submit. But if I ask him to, he takes me into consideration. It's rare and I treasure it.

He looks at me for a long moment, unrelenting before his chair screeches back. He spares nobody a glance, undoing the buttons of his collar when he walks out without another word.

Misfits (#2)Where stories live. Discover now