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"Ohmygod." My groggy eyes spot the alarm clock and I try to shoot up. I just end up looking like an idiot, flopping back because there's a bear on me. Or at least that's what it feels like.

"Everest!" I yell and he doesn't even startle. He just nuzzles against me more so I slap his bare shoulders, "We're gonna be late for school-" I try to move but he doesn't let me, "Everest, get up."

Somewhere within the night we'd changed positions because right now, he's on top of me. Head on my chest and body smothering mine. Big, heavy arms wrapped around me so I have nowhere to go.

I try to look down at him, his cheek against my chest when he groans, turning so his foreheads against my chest instead, "No."

"We have a statistics test first period." I ruffle his hair and try to shove him but he just ends up letting out this little giggle against me. What the heck.

"That tickled." He mutters before yawning.

Finally, he swings his head up to look at me. I have to swallow to not show how pretty I find him but my breathing visibly catches in my throat. Blonde hair a mess on his forehead, lips swollen and voice so much deeper than usual.

He uses the back of his hand to wipe at his eyes, still attached to me like a koala, "Fucking hell, Vy. Stop it."

I balk, "Stop what?"

"Looking like that." He exclaims, "It's eight in the morning. Give my cock a break, woman."

"You need Jesus." I grunt and use a new technique of kicking my legs out, "And a bible. And preferably some holy water." He groans and eventually rolls over. I fight back pumping my fist in victory, about to get off the bed until he tugs my arm.

He keeps his grasp on my arm and slumps so his cheeks against the mattress, voice a tired sleepy rasp, "Stop. Stay here."

"Test! We have a test and you failed the last one." I wrestle out of his grasp but that only leads me to falling, smack onto the floor.

It's silent for just a second before Everest makes a point to say.

"If you just cuddled me, that could've been avoided."

I groan gutturally, blowing the hair off my face and hurriedly standing up. I look down to him and he only flits one lazy eye open to look up at me. One of his arm lazily lies above his head, shoulders bare and flexed. He's also only in his boxers. I swallow.

"Stop with the fuck me eyes. Unless you want me to fuck you." He groans, smacking his hand down like an irritated kid, "Just come back. I fucking hate this pillow."

I furrow my eyebrows, "Did you change it?"

"No. But after last night, I now hate this pillow. You're better." He grumbles and tries to reach for me again but I dodge. I yank the comforter off him and walk towards his bathroom, letting him grunt and groan.

He misses school enough as it is. If he's not ditching lessons, he's flunking classes. He can't let his GPA drop anymore if he wants to stay on the soccer team. And get into college.

I turn on his shower, trying not to think too much about the fact I'm having a shower in Everest's bathroom and instead focusing on how quickly I need to get ready.

"Vy!" He calls out, "Oh, would you look at that? I'm dying. Come help me."

I don't think I've ever heard anything said in such a flat tone.

He mock gasps now from the bed as I change the temperature, "Woah. It's...a stack of books. And nerdy stuff. Or whatever the fuck you like. I want cuddles, just get over here."

Misfits (#2)Where stories live. Discover now