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When I was younger, I was always doing things I shouldn't have been. I'd planned out a quest to climb every tree in the gardens which resulted in my ankle spraining on three separate occasions. And a broken arm.

I used to be stupidly impulsive before everything started to change and I moulded to become who I am now. Reserved to display false affections. Elegant and keeping to myself as instinct. Biting my tongue a lot of the time.

You'd think that I'd grow out of the stupid decisions too.

Apparently, I didn't. The first one being trying to help mom last night and it not ending well for me. She was drunk and angry, pushing me into a nearby closet. My jaw took the brunt of the impact and I earned myself a prominent bruise.

The second one being that I forgot to close the door to my room, leading to Leia following me down. Mon had stumbled, stepped on Leia's paw and in a fit, threatened my little girl.

I got Leia safe but her paw was hurt and she was barely to walk on it without limping.

I attempted at rectifying both of these scenarios. My bruise is covered with a good amount of makeup but the next solution, is stupid. Really, really stupid. I couldn't leave Leia in that house alone with my mom who would probably toss her out at the first chance she got. Especially not when she's in a lot of pain and can't walk for herself.

I had to go to school. I wouldn't leave Leia behind to fend for herself.

Ergo, my cat is in my bag.

My cat is nestled in my tote bag and as I stare at myself in the mirror of the school bathrooms, I'm realising that a couple more hours of this might be tricky. And just my luck, I have interviews with college visitors today.

My cat's in my bag. You know, I think I might actually be insane.

No. I lift my chin as I look back at myself. Leia's my girl and no matter what, I'd protect her. Even if that means sneaking her around to ensure her safety. We're okay, me and her. A team that'll make it in the end.

I open up my bag and look down to her, cosied up against a textbook. I smile, even if I'm nervous as heck, "We're perfect. We can get through this, right?"

She just looks up at me, slowly blinking and I take that as a yes, of course, we can get through anything.

After having regained my confidence, I wash my hands and make it out of the bathroom. I'd texted Aurelie earlier but it turns out that her and Taylor are bunking all day today. Good for them. They deserve quality Taurelie time.

Only that leaves me in a sticky situation. I don't know what I'm gonna do with Leia when I have to do that interview soon. It's not much of a big thing, just some counsellors from colleges that'll advise and stuff.

I hold my tote bag close to me as I walk through the halls, making sure I stay far away from people so there's no possibility that they can bump into Leia. She's already hurt and the thought stirs more nerves. I hope she's okay.

I turn down the hallway lined with lockers until I spot a familiar tall frame, clad in a hoodie and black and white converse. His blonde hair peeks out from under his hood as he lazily opens his locker.

My mind runs to an idea. No. I shut it out, not plausible. I look down to Leia and back up to Everest. He will rightfully think I'm insane but what the hell am I supposed to do otherwise?

No, I'm banishing the ridiculous idea, starting to pivot on one foot. Until Everest's head turns and his gaze catches mine, rooting me to the spot. He looks exhausted but still is staring at me like he's ordering me not to run away.

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