Chapter 22:

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Thea's P.O.V

Ignore it, ignore it, ignore it!

My mind screamed at me when I noticed Julian's little wave. I didn't dare look at whoever he waved to. Maybe the wave was just something common in this era. Maybe every senator here could do Octavian's little wave.

Gaius must have just adopted the habit whilst working with Octavian, right?

The key becomes something on the person as you take over. That's what Marcus said, Cleopatra noted sensing my edge, both our minds spiralling.

Not now, Cleopatra. I think something's wrong! I scolded her.

What do you mean?

I don't think this guy is Professor Gaius...


I turned to face and Julius looked down at me.

Did you see the wave? I asked Cleo.

Yes? So, that is why I mixed up Longinus with Octavian.

I was confused as to what she was talking about. It must have happened when I lost control of her. I shivered at the thought. I had been surrounded by nothingness. I was neither hot nor cold, nor could I feel, see, or taste anything. All I could do was hear muffled voices until Marcus returned.

"Thea?" Julius leaned down to my ear. "Would you like to dance?"

A smile stretched across my face as I gave him a sceptical look. "We should try to find Marcus, Professor Gaius."

He narrowed his eyes. "Of course. That is a matter I must deal with." He reached for Julius's brooch and adjusted it to fix his toga.

Cleopatra's words from earlier rang through my mind: The key becomes something on the person as you take over.

Octavian's host would be the one with the key. I tried not to tense up as the pieces started to form. Earlier when I touched the beach he became edgy. Again, he touched it.

Holy guacamole! It's Octavian. How had I been so blind?

Who is this Guacamole?

Not who, a what. It's a dip and not what we should be focusing on right now.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Cleopatra teased playfully.

I just replied with a smirk. "Actually, Gaius, why don't we have a dance."

His attention shifted away from the brooch back to the hand I offered him. He took it and I had to hold back my sign of relief. I needed to stall until Marcus got here or until I could figure out a way to let Marcus know.

As we walked to the dance floor, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a swift movement.

"Ha, there must be some irony to this, Thea," Octavian informed me. I wondered if he had figured out that I knew it was him. "I'm guessing Marcus is trapped in Mark Antony's body."

"Why do you say that?" I asked as we stopped in the middle of the hall.

He tilted his head to the side in amusement. He is the only one who looked as if he recognised us.

I gazed off to where Octavian waved earlier. Does that mean Marcus was here and he knew? Well, in that case...

I chuckled. Octavian's eyebrows crinkled inward as he looked at me in confusion when I stepped back from him.

"There's something I think you failed to remember about the time period you sent me." Octavian's smile dropped and his jaw clenched. "I'm not the one these sixty senators want dead." Octavian's eyes widened as my hand reached for the brooch and I grabbed onto it. He yelled for a guard as I ripped it off of him but no one responded. It wasn't just my imagination. They all had left. Octavian resorted to grabbing me as I struggled to be careful.

One prick and either one of us would be sent back to our time.

Somebody grabbed him from the back, wrenching him away from me. Octavian changed his focus on Marcus.

"Just stop already! Give it up, Octavian!"

The rest of the senators finally broke into chaos. Some yelled for Marcus to kill Julius and others were confused as to why he called him Octavian.

I needed to help Marcus. He was losing his hold on Octavian, his motivation to keep him down seemed to be evaporating. "Antony won't let me," he yelled and I knew what he meant.

Octavian pushed Marcus off and he stumbled back. I caught him before he hit the ground, dropping the brooch. It skid on the floors until it landed at Octavian's feet.

He sneered and reached down to pick it up and that's when a senator appeared. My mind screamed at the man, begging Casca to not do it but he brought his dagger down on Julius's back and I screamed in shock as Marcus trembled. Octavian collapsed to the ground in shock and Brutus appeared. Marcus looked up at him and Brutus nodded at him as he wrapped his hand around the brooch, blood dripping from his fist. Marcus nodded and for a second Brutus's eyes rolled back as if he was going to collapse but he quickly regained his consciousness and his cold eyes landed on Julius at his feet. He smirked kicking him over and my heart crushed.

He was waiting for this. Brutus wanted this. All those times I had mistaken as his love for Julius, was just his own sick joke. He was playing the doe-eyed fool before revealing himself as the villain of the tale. He was going to betray Julius all along and had tried to make it seem as if it would be Antony. Everything was a lie.

I could feel Cleopatra's shock vibrate through me to the point I was physically shaking.

Brutus raised his dagger as Julius got up again. "Be still Julius. I do not wish to slay you half-heartedly. Do not fight me."

Julius looked up at him, his eyes clouded with a cool temper. That's when I realised Octavian wasn't there any longer.

Had Gaius already taken him back?

I saw Julius wince as he lifted himself off the ground as the vulture-like senators circled him.

Oh, oh no. Julius had fought against Octavian to save his dignity. Julius was a soldier and would die with his head held high. Unfortunately for him, the senators around him were soldiers too.

Julius tried to fight back and run off but Longinus pushed him back toward Brutus who dealt the final blow, driving the dagger through Julius's heart.

I gasped, covering my mouth whilst tears streamed down my face as Julius bowed to his knees in front of Brutus.

"Kai su, teknon?" Julius whispered before he collapsed in front of him. Brutus' face was blank as he swallowed.

Cleopatra translated Julius's last words to Brutus said in Greek. "Even you, son?"

Did he know what was to become of Brutus?

I glanced at Marcus, his raging grey eyes set on Brutus and I dropped my gaze to Julius looking at me. As his blue eyes paled, he mouthed his final words to me.

Veni, Vidi, Vici.

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