Chapter 11:

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"My name is Thea. I am twenty-one years old, in the final year of my bachelor's degree in History, along with a minor in English studies, currently trapped in the body of Cleopatra the VII," I drawled out for the hundredth time today.

"Good, we'll start again in ten minutes," Marcus said making notes on his papyrus.

I groaned, flopping back onto Cleopatra's bed.

When we had woken up this morning, the first thing Marcus told me was to say my name and any other significant details I could remember. So, I did and ever since then he'd been making me repeat it every ten minutes. He got worried at one point when I gave the wrong details to mess with him since it was starting to get on my nerves.

I had a party to plan. I couldn't let Cleopatra down!

"What about your parents' names?"

"Ptolemy XII Auletes and Cleopatra V," I deadpanned.

Marcus gave me an annoyed look. "Thea, this is serious."

"Thea?" I echoed. His eyes widened, and panic overtook his features. "Kidding. My mom's name is Zia and my other mom's name is Omari."

Marcus clutched his chest as he exhaled in relief before shooting me a deadly look.

I giggled as he rolled his eyes. "That was not funny!"

"Your face– Antony's, was priceless. Plus, aren't you being a bit too cautious?"

He was about to say something but was cut off by the voice in his mind. He zoned out and I wondered if that was what it looked like when I spoke to Cleopatra.

Marcus scoffed in disagreement and shook his head.

"What did he say?" My curiosity got the best of me.

Marcus seemed to contemplate answering or not, but he gave in. "You're starting to grow on him... and he agrees with you that this is a waste of time."

"Exactly. THANK YOU ANTONY!" I yelled causing Marcus to jump back in shock nearly knocking over a jug of water. Marcus should not be trusted around liquids.

Marcus frowned down at me curtly. "He can hear you loud and clear. Fun fact: Antony is as annoying as Gaius."

"Gaius isn't as bad as you make him seem. I personally think he's pretty cool." Marcus gave me a disapproving look that would say otherwise. I stuck my tongue out at him and he sighed, going back to his calculations.

Cleopatra? I wondered.

An odd sense of anxiousness that began in my gut was the only response I got. Well, if it was anything important, she'd show up eventually.

Marcus was busy mumbling over his chant of personal details and reminders. I could have sworn there were answers to at least three security questions somewhere in it. I knew it was because he wanted to get me back home but, without informing him I had decided it was the both of us or it was him. Not me.

I didn't know jack about The Project. He was the one who could get me back home. So, I had to make sure he was the one who got back. He didn't need to know that for now.

"I'll be back soon. Keep saying your lines," he instructed causing me to roll my eyes and continue my party plans.

"Yes, sir!" I grumbled as he made his way to the door.

He paused and the gaze he gave me made my toes curl ever so slightly. Marcus shook his head. "No, I-I'll be back soon," he croaked and I smirked.

"Where to?"

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