Chapter 8:

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Speaking of love, Antony appeared next to me snapping me out of my thoughts. "Um, lead the way, Cleopatra?" He chuckled nervously.

I glared at him.

I glared so hard at Antony, I earned myself a satisfying flinch on his behalf.

Smirking at his unease, I stalked off, not checking to see if he followed. There was more sway to my hips than there had been before. I scolded myself for giving in whilst feeling Antony's heated gaze on my back.

Cleopatra led the way to the gardens I had been to yesterday. This time, however, we went over to a shaded cabana which was built in a hidden corner of the garden.

This must be the place Antony and Cleopatra often met for their drinking club activities.

I took my usual seat on the right as Antony went over to his on the left. There was a seat in the middle clearly built for two people but it seemed we'd both rather keep our distance. Even though Antony and Cleopatra were lovers, they weren't as intimate as I thought they'd be in person, or should I say as the stories make them appear to be.

Unless Cleopatra liked a guy who played hard to get because Antony was playing that role infuriatingly well right now.

"The weather seems lovely."

"I do not engage in such small talk, Antony. Would you mind telling me where you've been for the past two days?"

Damn, Cleopatra, chill. Give the guy a break.

However, I could understand why she was hurt.

Once Marcus, in the early days of the project, had disappeared for three days without warning or explanation. I had been so pissed at him, but more than anything, I had been relieved when he returned.

Cleopatra eased up. Her gaze softened as Antony nervously shuffled in his seat. He looked like he was pondering what he should say before he got up and knelt before me.

I turned away from him, trying not to show I had already started to forgive him. He took my hand in his whilst the other turned my face to look at him. "I am sorry I left you that night. I-I needed – I needed to go look for something." He stammered a lot as he spoke. Like a little boy around his crush.

"What was it?" I asked.

"A key."

"Whatever would you need a key for?"

"A gift for you."

"Did you find it," I asked wondering if he'd brought me yet another magnificent souvenir.

He nodded and beckoned to one of the servants who approached with a box in hand, which Antony took. I shifted over so he could join me on my seat. He slid the lid off to reveal a broken dagger.

My brows furrowed but a smirk grew on my face as I picked it up. "Interesting? Do I get a clue as to why you've selected this for me?"

A boyish smile grew on his lips, but there was a sadness behind it that I couldn't explain.

"That I cannot tell you, Cleopatra."

I felt odd. When we were alone he always used terms of endearment. What was wrong with him now? I watched as he got up and walked over to the table to pour himself a glass of wine.


He turned his attention to me, forgetting that he was still pouring the wine which overflowed, splashing over his sandals. I gasped, before bursting into laughter as he leaned down and sipped from the cup. He looked over at me as I snorted and rolled his eyes. He seemed to relax more which eased me a bit. Why had I been so worried?

"Well, that was an unfortunate turn of events," he joked.

I froze as my heart stopped. He didn't seem phased as he continued to ramble on about how he had found the dagger. I knew he was making up a story.

I knew because he wasn't Mark Antony. He was–

"Marcus?" I said his name, almost breathlessly.

He fell silent and turned to me, his eyes blazing with hope.

"Thea?" he whispered as his eyes scanned over me.

For a second the name sounded foreign to me before I recognized it as my own.

I covered my mouth in shock, nodding frantically, and watched as his newfound hope grew and warped into dread.

By the gods, what the hell is going on?!

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Edited by: TheRebeccaBlake & Dodelia Reene

Edited by: TheRebeccaBlake & Dodelia Reene

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