Chapter 18:

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How-how did you do it? Cleopatra was as surprised as me when I woke up in her body again.

"Not important. Where's Marcus?"

What happened to the plan with Professor Gaius?

"There's been a setback. Now Marcus?"

"Marcus Brutus or Antony?" one of the female servants called out. I recognised her from the first time waking up in Rome. She was always lurking close to Cleopatra.

"Charmion, take me to Antony," Cleopatra spoke on my behalf.

Charmion and Iras shared a look. Why did I only remember their names now?

That's when I realised Cleopatra seemed to have more control than before.

"My lady, what about the party?" Charmion asked as Iras walked over to me with a gold necklace.

My eyes widened. It's been two days already?!

I looked down at Cleopatra's outfit and tried not to react to the weight of the necklace Iras put on me. Even though she focused on getting me dressed, I knew she was listening and just as worried for Marcus as I was. She was the only one Cleopatra had ever confessed to about her feelings for Antony.

Charmion tilted her head to the side, she was also dressed up in the finest outfit a servant could wear.

"Do I need to form a distraction?" she smiled and I chuckled.

"That would be appreciated..."

That's when I remembered Professor Gaius had mentioned he's family was descended from Julius Caesar.

"If you see Caesar, please tell him to meet me but tell him Thea sent you. Also, where is Brutus? He must not–"

Iras stopped adjusting my crown halfway and Charmion raised an eyebrow at me.


"Are you feeling alright?" Iras placed a hand on my forehead as Charmion shifted uncomfortably.

"Cleopatra, Julius fainted a while ago and everyone has been searching for Brutus but he's been missing for a while. Alexas just informed us when you started getting dressed."

I blinked and suddenly it hit me, I didn't pass out this time when I first came into Cleopatra's body.

I didn't focus on it but the fact that Julius had fainted gave me a bit of hope. It meant that Gaius was here.

"Right, Charmion you go create a distraction, um, get... Alexas?" I wasn't sure who that was, but Cleopatra gave me a visual image of him. "Yes, get Alexas to go alert Julius. Tell him I am with Marcus. Thea, not Cleopatra," I said getting up and leaving before anyone could ask. My brain was too scattered to think clearly.

I had been gone for two days but luckily Marcus was still alive.

As I scurried through the corridors I felt someone running behind me and I stopped to find Iras chasing after me with her short legs.


"Sorry, I didn't expect you to run off."

"I need to go get Antony out of here!" She gave me a strange look and I prayed that she wouldn't question why Cleopatra was acting weird but a small knowing smile grew on her lips.

I felt Cleopatra roll her eyes and urge me along. We continued walking as Iras hummed a tune which only further irritated her.

What's wrong? I asked.

It is a teasing song. One you would sing to two lovers.

Oh, so it's like the ancient roman version of K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

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