33 - Are you drunk?

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TW: Death


"My beautiful Natalie," She brought her hand up to my face.

"Hey mom," I held onto her hand, "I have to update you on everything right now." This is the first time we've gotten to talk alone in days. Last week, all of my friends came in. Everyday since then, I've been with Dad or Teddy or Mackenzie or all three.

She smiled at me. I noticed the bags getting heavier under her eyes. She was getting thinner every day. Which makes sense, she can't really eat or move without it hurting. She tries to pretend like she's fine but we can all see it.

"So we're going to state again this year. It's against Windsor which I'm not excited about because of how much they've cheated this whole season. But coach says we have it in the bag. Which I already knew." I kept her hand in mine, scooting closer to her bed.

"That's amazing baby." She squeezed my hand.

"And um," I avoided her eyes, "Well I wanted to tell you this before I told anyone else," I smiled, "Except London and Cassie. They know but they always figure everything out first."

The smile never left her face, "What is it?"

"I told her I love her."


I nodded, a large smile forming on my face.

"Mackenzie Valentine Mac? As in the girl who you hated the idea of living with?" She nodded while also smiling widely, "I've known since your first interaction with her."

"Oh what is that supposed to mean!" I leaned back in the chair.

She laughed, "The way you two looked at each other! I should have known something was going on!" She looked me in the eyes, "It was a while ago huh?"

"Yeah. New Years. After the whole thing with Grandpa." I waved my hands around.

"I heard about that." She smiled again, "I'm happy for you. I wish you told me sooner though."

"Whatever." My laugh died down and I leaned forward again, "The professor in charge of the contest reached out to speak to me personally."

"Oh that's amazing! What did she have to say?"

"How excited she is to read my final draft and that I have a really good chance of getting in. And that she's 'so glad I'm considering NYU because they could really use a star like me.'" I smiled at her again, "It feels good to know someone thinks I'm a star."

"You know you're a star, Natalie Rose." She touched my face again, "I need you to promise me something."

My heart dropped. She always keeps doing this. Over the past few weeks she's made me promise her things like 'don't give up,' or 'stay in school.'

"Don't let this make you spiral. You are going to be a star. You're so talented and smart." A tear slipped from her eye, "I'll always be with you. You know that?"

I nodded, not looking up from the ground, "I know."

"Look at me and promise Natalie."

I looked at her. She looks so different. I hate it. I hate how unfair the world is.

"I promise I won't let this make me spiral."

She nodded, "Good." She put her hand on her chest, "How about you and your brother go and grab me a jello from the cafeteria?"

"Why can't we just ask the nurse to grab some?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

She smiled, "The cafeteria is the only place that has orange flavored jello."

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