6 - Friends

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I don't remember what we did on Wednesday after Thomas came over. I ended up not going to school yesterday because I was literally dead. Like I am 99% sure I went to heaven and back.

Now it's Friday. And my head still aches.

"Natalie!" My moms voice came from the top of the stairs, "You have to drive Mackenzie to school from now on! My schedule is getting too busy."

"Okay!" Ouch. I shouldn't have yelled.

I grabbed my head as I sat up.

"Are you okay?" Mackenzie stood in my doorway.

"Yeah." I sat up and immediately noticed I only had underwear and a t-shirt on. I felt myself get embarrassed.

She shook her head. I saw she was already dressed for school. "It's 8 am."

"Shit." I got out of bed and threw on some brown slacks. I threw her the keys, "Go wait in the car."

She stared at me before walking away.

I took off my shirt and threw it on the overflowing basket of dirty laundry. Remind me to do that later.

I threw on a random white shirt from my closet and grabbed the black converse sitting next to my door.

I can't be late.

Usually I have to drive Teddy too but his friend, Miles, got a car for his 16th. Thank God.

"Love you mom. Bye!" I ran out the front door and jumped in the drivers side of the car.

Mackenzie was just staring at me.


She shrugged then looked out the window as I backed the car out of the driveway.

School is about 18 minutes from my house because I live down by the lake.

I glanced over at Mackenzie then back at the road, trying to figure out what to say, "How is school?"

Stupid fucking question.

"It's okay." She didn't look at me.

"Talk to anyone interesting?"

Another stupid question.

"This girl Riley from Physics."

My stomach dropped and I looked over at her, "You can't talk to Riley."


"She's not a good person," I looked at her when I stopped at the red light, "Trust me."

"Why do you even care?" She looked at me. Her stormy eyes were sad. "We aren't friends."

The light turned green and the car behind me honked.

I didn't say anything to her.

She's right. We aren't friends.

We pulled into the lot. A few spots were left in the front because you had to have a pass to park there. I happen to have one.

"I'll see you later." I grabbed my bag and walked away from her quickly.

We aren't friends, Natalie.

And you're the one who said it.

But that means she heard you.

And you sit next to her during first period.


I signed into the late sheet in the office. Mackenzie did the same.

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