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Eda was panicking as her and i were looking for Melody , after she overheard us in the balcony , she ran inside the house and then we didn't find her

I told Eda to calm down as i saw how worried she had become that her eyes teared up ; " Chase i messed it up I didn't want her to find out this way" she stuttered and i held her face

" hey hey don't worry , you did nothing wrong we'll find her , okay ?" I tried to comfort her and it didn't seem to work much . Cassy held Eda and tried to make her feel better

We agreed each of us would look around the house and the garden , even Harold joined us , walking around the house , i called out Melody's name multiple times but all what i could hear was my voice echoing in the top floor

Knowing how Melody would think , thanks to my days in Eda's house with them , I figured Melody wouldn't be in the house , instead she would run off . I walked downstairs as fast as i could toward the garden behind the house

And i was right

There she was sitting on the swing in the middle of the grass , hugging her knees to her chest and leaning her face on them , i walked slowly towards her and i heard her sobbing

She was crying and i hated it

" Melody" i spoke and she raised her head to look at me , her eyes were red and her face was swollen and sad ; " go away " she mumbled before getting up and then sitting again , but this time her back facing me

" Melody let's go back inside ,  mommy's looking for you" i told her ; " NO , she's a liar , you're a liar too" she murmured once again , i walked to her and stood in front of her , but she wouldn't look at me ; " Melody , look at me " i asked softly but she refused

I got down on my knees until i was on her level
; " it's hard enough your mommy doesn't want me , don't make it worse , not you too " i said with a little calm tone ; " you lied to me " she muttered again , more tears falling down her face

I wiped them away with my finger and her eyes finally met mine ; " i did , and I'm sorry , i did it for you " i told her and she was still upset , not wanting to believe me

" why did you leave mommy ?" She suddenly asked , catching me off guard , i looked at her silently, not sure what to say ; " i did it to protect her" i finally spoke , putting strands of her hair behind her ear and rubbing her cheek

" she was crying all the time " she added and that was my final straw , knowing that Eda  cried because of me , to the point where even Melody knew , broke me

" will you leave us again ?" She asked again , i gulped before shaking my head a no ; " I promise you Melody , that i will never leave you or your mother " she suddenly hugged me as she stood on her feet , closing my eyes , i hugged her back before standing up with her in my arms

That was our first time hugging

When I opened my eyes , i spotted Eda appearing and walking towards us , she stood in surprise as she saw me and Melody , she put her hand on her chest right on top of her heart , she briefly smiled at me and i smiled back

" Melody , mommy's her-" i said before i looked at Melody only to find her already asleep , she must've fallen asleep because of her cries . I put my finger on my mouth , meaning that she was asleep and we didn't need to wake her , Eda understood the assignment

I headed to my car and Eda helped me put Melody down in a comfortable position; " how was she   ?" Eda asked me after i closed the car's door ; " well , she knows " i answered  ; " was she crying ?" She asked again and I nodded my head at her ; " god she must be angry with me" Eda stated running her hands all over her face

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