Chapter Forty: Lions & Blizzards

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[Hope Peter Madden]

Today everyone of us were participating in the annual Oddball Games.

I was wearing a beige shirt, and grey pants.

Kim, Trini, Billy, Zack, Jason and I were on the red team. Hugo was on the blue team, along with Angela, Bulk and Skull.

Jason and I were currently on the final game. As Jason got to me, I hold onto my hands, as Jason held my ankles. We raced against Bulk and Skull, towards the finish line.

"Come on, Hope!" Kim cheered. "Go, Hope!" Trini cheered. "You can do it!" Billy cheered.

Jason and I reached the finish line, and everyone cheered. Jason helped me up, and pulled me towards him for a kiss. "You were great." He told me, and I smiled. "You too." I said.

The other came towards us, congratulating us.

"All right, settle down! The Red Team wins!" Mr. Caplan announced. Everyone in the Red Team cheered. "But, there's a tie between the Red and Blue Teams, in terms of points. Now, for the final event: tug-of-war." He announced. "The winning team will received the following, Coveted Noble Trophy." He said.

Everyone is now in place. The Red Team versus the Blue Team.

I stood behind Jason. Hugo stood behind Angela.

"We are gonna whip you good, Jason!" Bulk declared. "Give it your best shot, Bulk!" Jason said.

"Hey, Angela!" Zack called. "You wanna defect to the winning side? 'Cause Zack man saved a special place, just for you." He told her. "Dream on!" Angela said. Her and Hugo high-fived.

"Yeah, right, Zack man." Bulk said. "Angela knows which side the real man are on." He said. "Yeah, the real man." Skull said.

"You're going down, Billy boy!" Hugo said, grinning. "We'll see about that, Hugo!" Billy said, he was grinning as well.

"On the count to three, I'll blow the whistle." Mr. Caplan said. "All right, let's do it, Jace." Zack said. "We can do it." I said. "Yeah." Jason said, nodding.

Mr. Caplan counted down, and blew the whistle. Everyone from both sides begin pulling on the rope.

"That trophy's mine, bucket breath! Prepare to eat mud!" Bulk said. "Ha! Prepare to eat your words, Bulk!" Kim said.

"Let's put an end to this!" Jason shouted. "We can do this!" I shouted. We kept pulling on the rope. "Time to teach them about the laws on physics!" Billy said. "All right! Keep going, everyone! All together!" Trini shouted.

We successfully pulled the rope. Bulk, Skull, Angela and Hugo fell into the mud, including Mr. Caplan. We cheered. "Stupendous. We won the Noble Lion Trophy." Billy said.

Zack and Billy went to help Angela and Hugo up.

"Excuse me, miss." Zack said to Angela, he took off his jersey. "May I be of some assistance?" He asked, putting it on the mud. "You're just loving this, aren't you?" Angela asked, she got up with the help of Zack.

Hugo's face was a bit covered in mud, but not as bad as Bulk and Skull. His hands and legs are covered in mud too. "Here, Hugo. Let me help you." Billy said, he went towards Hugo, and helped him up. "Thanks, Billy." Hugo thanked him.

Jason and I helped Mr. Caplan up.


The six of us were laughing, as we talked about the game. Hugo had left, saying that he needs to go get cleaned-up.

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