Chapter Twenty-Three: Itsy Bitsy Spider

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[Hope Peter Madden]

Today the seven of us were at Angel Grove High. Billy and Trini were trying to get signatures to save the Spirit Statue.

"Come on, sign the petition." Trini said. "Please, help us save the Spirit Statue." She said, trying to get more students to sign the petitions. "Yeah, come on help preserve our city's history." Billy said. "Save our statue." He said.

"What's the big deal?" Bulk questioned. "It's a pile of old concrete." He said. Jason and I look at each other, and back at them. "The big deal is that the city council wants to tear it down, and put in a barbeque pit." Trini explained.

"Good, maybe we'll get a piece of chicken and ribs." Bulk said. "Yeah, some piece of chicken and ribs." Skull repeated, crossing his arms.

"It's not good." Trini said. "Everybody's forgotten, why the statue was put up in the first place." She said. "Right, according to the legend, the Forest Spirit provides a buffer against harmful arthropods." Billy said. Some students were confused. "It's to protect all of us, from bad insects." Trini translated.

"I'm for that, 'cause crawlers give me the heebie-jeebies." Zack said, he jumped and shivers at the thought of bugs. "Especially spiders." He said, pointing at the contained spider. Trini went over, and points at a picture of the statue. "See the flower in the statue's hair? That's to remind us, that most insects are helpful to humans." She said.

Some students were signing the petition, and suddenly bugs fell onto everyone. Everyone begin screaming, and making sure the bugs didn't get onto them.

"Hope, you all right?" Jason asked, after a while. "Well, my hair's a bit messed up, and I have to take a shower when I get back home." I said. "So, I'm alright." I said, looking at him smiling. Jason smiled, he shook his head fondly and ruffles my hair.

Zack was screaming from a spider that was on his shoulder. Tommy went to help him, but before he could hit it, the spider jumps off.

Kim went towards Bulk and Skull. "Listen, you bionic pee brains, what goes around comes around." She stated, and walks away.


Jason and I got to where Zack, Trini and Kim are by the lockers.

The bugs that were used as examples got away, and it was all thanks to Bulk and Skull. "We'll help you replace the bugs." Jason told Trini. "Yeah, we'll do what we can." I said.

"I know. Let's have a picnic, and then they'll just come to us." Kim said. we laughed a bit. "I think we have to be a little more aggressive than that." Trini said. "Sup, Billy." Kim greeted, we saw Billy. "Hey, guys." Billy greeted. "What you got there?" Kim asked. Billy shows us the tiny white mouse.

"Oh, how cute. I always wanted a little mouse for a pet." Kim said. Billy covers the mouse for a bit. "He's not a pet. This is Jack, my research assistant." He said. "Yeah, well I like mice, just a little bit more like those creepy crawly bugs. Ugh." Zack said, jumping a bit. We laughed a bit.

"Oh, look. The geeks have a new mascot." Bulk said, him and Skull appeared. "Alright, a new mascot." Skull repeated. "Well, he's smarter than some humanoids I know." Zack said. "Hey, you can't talk about Bulk like that." Skull said. We laughed a bit.

"All I know, is that he never failed an IQ test." Zack said. "Oh, yeah?" Bulk said, he grabs one of Trini's textbook. "Well, let's see if he can handle an obstacle course." He said, throwing the textbook towards Billy, who caught it but dropped Jack. "Jack, no!" Billy said.

Jack crawled towards Skull, and climbs up his pants. "What's this?" Skull questioned, his leg start moving. We laughed. The six of us watched as Skull went around Bulk, and jumps onto him, Bulk caught him with his arms.

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