Chapter Twenty-Five: Life's a Masquerade

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[Hope Peter Madden]

Today the six of us were in the Youth Center, helping Ernie decorating for the Costume party.

I was with Jason and Zack. Jason was up on a ladder, putting some party streamer onto a giant prop, while Zack was holding the roll of party streamer. I was holding the ladder.

Angela walks by with a decoration. "Yo, Angela. Can I give some assistance?" Zack asked, he was still trying to get Angela's attention. He went to follow Angela, while still holding the roll of party streamers. Jason and I laughed. "Yo, Zack." He called. "Focus." I said.

Everyone laughed, as they saw a bucket of white paint falling onto Bulk. "Hey, Bulk. You look like a ghost." Skull told him.

"Now, there's a scary thought." Trini said, looking at the others. They laughed.


It was time for the Costume Party. We were in our costumes.

Kim's a Princess.
Billy's Sherlock Holmes.
Zack's King Tut (ancient Egyptian Pharaoh).
Jason's Robin Hood.
Mine's a Mummy (with my face uncovered).
Trini as Pocahontas.

"This is gonna be a Morphenomenal party." Kim said. "Yo, Billy boy. You look just like that Sherlock Holmes dude." Zack said, seeing Billy's costume. "Thank you, King Tut." Billy said to Zack.

"You know, I wonder who will win first prize." Trini said. "Hey, who else?" Zack questioned, gesturing towards himself. "Oh, hey. Where's Tommy?" Kim asked. "Oh, his costume isn't finished yet, he said he'd catch up, with us later." Jason said. "Hopefully soon, 'cause it's better when we're at the party together." I said.

"Hey, come on. Let's go to the party." Zack said. We went towards the Youth Center, where the Costume Party is being held.


The six of us were at the Youth Center. Jason and I decided not to dance for now, so we stayed close to each other.

Zack, Jason and I were at the table, where the snacks are. Zack was next to Angela, he danced a bit. "Yo, Angela. You wanna dance?" He asked. "Go back to your tune, tut." Angela said, and walks away.

Jason and I went towards Zack. "Man, not even a king is good enough for that girl." He said. Jason and I laughed a bit. Jason shook hands with Zack.

I look around the room, and saw someone familiar at the side. "Dad?" I said, seeing my Dad. Dad saw me, and waves at me.  I walked towards him. "Dad, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Well, I heard that there was a Costume Party, and came to check it out." Dad told me.

"Uh huh. I figured." I said, seeing his costume. Dad's costume is supposed to be a werewolf, although the only costume he has was the wolf ears and a wolf tail. Other than that, he was wearing flannel, a white shirt underneath, and grey pants.

"Hello." Mr. Xeno greeted, and he came over. "Hello, Hope." He greeted, seeing me. "Hey, Mr. Xeno." I greeted. He was also wearing a costume, more specifically a Dracula Costume, though he doesn't have the whole pale skin look. Only the outfit.

"Oh, yeah." I said, turning towards Dad, who seems to be staring at Mr. Xeno. "Dad, this is Mr. Xeno. One of my teachers in school." I said. I turn towards Mr. Xeno. "Mr. Xeno, this is my dad. The one who take cares of me, and made me who I am today." I said.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Madden." Mr. Xeno said, holding his hand out. Dad shook his hand. "Pleasure. And please, call me Chris." Dad said. Mr. Xeno smiled. "All right, Chris." He said. "What do you say, we go grab something to drink, and talked about how Hope has been doing at school." Dad said. "I believe you didn't have to brought up Hope, and I would still join you." Mr. Xeno said, causing those both of them to chuckle. "Lead the way." He said, and they both left towards a table.

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