Chapter Thirty-Six: Doomsday

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[Hope Peter Madden]

Kim, Trini, Billy, Jason and I were walking through Angel Grove High. Kim was reading a newspaper, and about the article of "Power Ranger Day".

I was wearing a brown shirt, and beige pants. Jason had an arm wrapped around my waist.

"And because of their unending efforts to protect the entire planet. Angel Grove City officials, have declared today "Power Ranger Day"." Kim told us. We laughed a bit. 

We got to the stairs, and Zack saw us. "Hey, guys. What's up?" Zack asked. "Hey. We're reading about the Power Rangers." Trini told him. "Oh, yeah? What's it say?" Zack asked.

"Mayor Carrington hopes that the mysterious superheroes will make a public appearance in Angel Grove Park. Where countless fans will be gathered to celebrate them." Kim read. "I have a feeling the Power Rangers will show up, don't you?" She asked us, we laughed.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Jason said.

[3rd Person]

The Rangers were walking through the hall.

Billy was at the front, and a student accidentally bumps into him. The student dropped his stuff onto the floor. "I-I-I'm so sorry." The student apologized to Billy, stuttering a bit.

"No worries, everyone makes mistakes." Billy reassured the student. The student smiled, and he crouches down to gathered his stuff. "Here let me help you." He said, and crouched down to help the student.

Both of them stood back up, and Billy handed the new student his stuff. "Thank you." The student thanked Billy, and check to see if his stuff was with him.

As the student was checking his stuff, he didn't notice that Billy was staring at him. Billy was astonished by the student's look, and was sorta checking him out. The student has short dark brown hair, green eyes, he was wearing a light blue collared shirt, and grey pants.

The new student finished checking his stuff, and face Billy. "I'm contrite for bumping into you, I can be very gawkish at times." He apologized Billy.

"What?" Kim asked, not understanding what he said.

"Oh, sorry. I accidentally used big words again." The student apologized. "What I meant to say was-" He was interrupted.

"He's sorry about bumping into me, and that he can be very clumsy at times." Billy translated.

"Uh, yeah. That's what I meant." The student said, he smiled at Billy. Billy smiled at him.

Jason, Hope, Zack, Trini and Kim look at each other, giving each other knowing looks.

"Oh, um... Hi." The student said, he extended his hand out, holding his stuff with his other hand. "I'm Hugo." Hugo introduced himself.

"I'm Billy." Billy introduced himself, and shook Hugo's hand. "These are my friends, Jason, Hope, Zack, Trini and Kimberly." He introduced, to each of them.

The other Rangers greeted Hugo, with "Hey", "Hello", "Hi", "Nice to meet you".

"Never seen you around Angel Grove High, before." Hope said. "You new around here?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. I recently moved from Stone Canyon." Hugo said. "And this is my first day of school in Angel Grove High. I was wondering, if you guys know where I can find Mr. Xeno?" He asked.

"Yes?" Mr. Xeno said, as he appeared next to the students. "Students." He greeted the Rangers. The Rangers greeted their teacher. He turned towards Hugo. "Ah, you must be the new student I was expecting, Mr. Fraser." He said.

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