Chapter Thirty-One: A Star is Born

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[Hope Peter madden]

Today the six of us were at the beach. Tommy wasn't here.

Tommy was preparing for his TV commercial audition.
Billy and Kim were at the chairs. Billy was working on a device, while Kim was drawing or writing.
Zack and Trini were playing beachball.
Jason and I were training. Well technically, it's mostly him standing closely behind me holding my hands, and teaching me how to do the exact moves.

I was wearing a white tank top, with beige shorts.

"All right, now do it slowly. Like this." Jason told me, as he guides my hands around, teaching me the moves. "Focus." He said, and I nodded.

Zack and Trini played volleyball, and accidentally hits Bulk. "Sorry, Bulk." Trini apologized, she went over to grab the volleyball. Bulk crashed behind, and landed on top of Skull, who was holding a bunch of stuff. "This looks like a good spot." He said. Trini grabs the volleyball, and came back towards us.

Bulk came towards where Jason and I were. Jason and I stopped, Jason lets go of me, as Bulk stood in front of us and did some moves, which I think is supposed to be martial arts, but really he was just making noises and moving his hands around.

"Your friend Tommy is history, muscle brain." Bulk told Jason. "I'm gonna get this commercial." He said, and made more noises. "Let's just wait and see about that, Bulk." Jason said. "Okay, we'll see." Bulk said, and went back to his spot.

The six of us gathered.


After a while, Bulk and Skull left.

The six of us made a circle, and passed the volleyball to each other. The volleyball got out of the circle, and Trini went to retrieve it.

"Oh my gosh." Trini said, seeing Scorpina. "It's Socrpina!" She warned. "And Putties!" Kim said. "Aw man." Zack said.

"It's Morphin' Time!" Jason shouted.

"Saber-Tooth Tiger!"

The six of us Morphed, and begin fighting the Putties.

Jason fought against Scorpina, he got attacked and fell. "Jason!" I called, as we went towards him.

"Now! Meet my pet worm!" Scorpina said, holding her hand out the monster: Weaveworm was on it. He shoots webs from his mouth, and trapped us inside of a cocoon.

Jason tried to kick the cocoon, but it did nothing. "What is this stuff?" He asked. "No idea!" I said. "I don't know, but it's too strong!" Kim said.

"Zordon, come in! Come in!" Jason called, trying to contact Zordon, but got nothing nothing. "My communicator's signal is jammed, are any of yours getting through?" Billy asked us. "No." We replied.

"What can we do?" Kim asked. "Well, can we teleport out of here?" Trini asked. "Not likely!" I said. "No! And there seems to be no way out!" Billy exclaimed.

"We'll keep looking, there's got to be a way!" Kim said.


The six of us were still trapped in the cocoon, we felt that we fell someplace high, and moves.

"We're moving! And it feels like we're on water!" Billy informed. "Hang on, guys!" Jason said, he held me close to him.

"Don't have to tell us twice!" I said.


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