Chapter 29

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POV Titus

When I woke up, I knew that our time was almost over. The sun was shining through the window which meant that the day was about to start. I closed my eyes again and snuggled deeper into Ana.

I did that for at least two hours, pretending to be asleep to have more time with her. Why couldn't they realize that Ana was helping more than any therapist that tried to get through me?

I'll just refuse to eat anything at all and sleep won't come easily as well which would cause me to get worse. Maybe they'll realize then that they won't be able to help me without Ana.

It's not like Ana helped me more than anyone else together and they won't see this. It's like they have their ten-step plan that they always tend to use, no matter what their patient's problem was.

I soon felt head scratches on my scalp which told me that she was awake.

"I know that you're awake, Mister. You have to stand up so that we can eat some breakfast."

That's what she said. What she meant was actually that we had to get ready to go there.

I had to suppress a smile though as she called me 'Mister' which she never did before. I kinda liked it.

Reluctantly opening my eyes, I found myself looking into her brown orbs. Pouting was the only weapon that I had so I used that and tried to convince her to stay longer in bed, to no avail. She removed my arms from her waist and stood up, starting to make her way to the door. I knew what she was doing but I also knew that she'd won. She knew that I'd follow her like a lost puppy and I did.

I ate some cereal, not much though as I was nervous. Getting ready was done before I knew it and we sat in the car about an hour after standing up. I was sitting right next to Ana with my head on her shoulder. My lips were against her neck which gave me a small idea. Kissing her neck slowly, I spent as much time as I could cuddling and touching her.

She seemed to be fine with it as she didn't stop me or said anything - she just continued to run her hand through my hair.


We reached our destination too early. By the time the car stopped, I wasn't kissing her neck anymore. I just enjoyed the time that we had together and closed my eyes while inhaling her scent as if to catch it in a jar to keep.

She removed both of our seatbelts before getting out, pulling me with her. I just followed her, a bit numb already. The feeling of not feeling was coming back and I hated it. I wasn't even in the building and my condition was getting worse, my mood getting darker as well.

They talked about different things but I wasn't in the same room. I mean I was but my head was miles away.

It felt like weeks ago, the time that I only existed. I hated it already and just wanted to go back home. Home. I never called it that before and only realized now what that house meant to me. At least I thought of it as a home when she was there.

I felt a tug on my hand and followed it without complaint. It's not like I had a chance to escape this place. I'd be stuck in here for weeks, months, maybe even years.

Walking into a room with two beds and a few other items of furniture, I looked around. It wasn't as small as I'd thought it would be but it had two beds which meant that I had to share the room. That was bad. Really bad.

Ana brought me to the empty bed and pushed my stomach so that I would sit down on it. I complied and watched her silently as she got comfortable next to me. She turned around to face me and gave me a tiny smile before reaching for my face with both of her hands. Pulling my face to hers, she gave me a few kisses all around my face. My forehead, both of my cheeks, my nose, my chin, both corners of my mouth and in the end my lips. I immediately reacted and kissed her back as I wanted to feel once more.

"I love you, Titus, and if you need anything, tell them, okay?"
I nodded my head even though I knew that I wouldn't ask them for anything.

"I love you too. I love you so much, sweetheart."

I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead against her shoulder, hugging her one last time.

Not long after that, she had to leave. David and Andrea came in as well and said that everything would be fine before giving us another minute to say bye to each other.

Now I was alone and I already started to feel lost.

It was a few hours later and I still hadn't moved from the place I sat down when she was still there. It was slowly getting dark outside and I knew that my roommate would come in soon. I didn't want to meet that person as I knew that I would get anxious. I was always careful around others and tried to hide my feelings and such from them as I didn't want to feel weak. Ana was the only one I trusted with my feelings so she was the only one that knew of that hidden side.

The door opened and a girl walked inside. She was taller than Ana and had brown hair that reached her shoulders.

I didn't say anything as I just wanted to vanish. I didn't want to meet new people as I knew what they were able to do if they were angry.

"Hello. I guess you're my new roommate so I am sorry for not coming earlier but I had no idea when you would arrive. I am Sarah by the way and I am happy to meet you. I hope you

are okay with sharing a room with me. People often tell me to shut up because I talk too much. O shit. I am annoying, am I?"

I just looked at her as she rambled about anything and nothing but I didn't react.

"Aren't you talking?"
I did nothing. Again.

"Oh well so I hope that I am not too annoying but I can't help myself. The therapist says it is my way to cope with the trauma."

After that she stopped talking for a while. I didn't move an inch and just stayed where I was. What did Ana do at the moment? I was not sure but a part of me knew that she was probably eating something. I just knew it.

A/N: Some infos... I don't hava a clue how this whole thing works so if there are any mistakes about the story...think about that it's fictional....these aren't mistakes👀



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