Chapter 11

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It didn't take long for us to reach my house. An unfamiliar car was already at the side of the street which meant that his foster parents were already here. I wasn't surprised because our search took longer than I thought despite the fact that we had a location.

He was asleep on my shoulder, steadily breathing in my neck. I didn't want to wake him up but I had no other chance. I wasn't strong enough to carry him and as soon as someone else came near him, even when he was asleep, he noticed it and woke up almost immediately.

Not to mention that if someone would touch him that he would freak out and maybe even have a panic attack.

My dad got out and walked in, giving us some privacy. What he saw in the park had shocked him more than he wanted to admit and he knew that Titus was scared of him.

I nudged his shoulder, trying to wake him up. He moved a bit and started to wake up. For some reason, he was able to sleep as long as I was close. But if someone else was too close, he instantly woke up. It was unbelievable.

I stroked his cheek which made him lean closer to me. His eyes opened and he gave me a small smile. His skin was still cold which made me want to bring him in immediately.

"Let's go inside, okay? It is cold and you need to sleep."

Titus nodded his head which made me raise an eyebrow. Why isn't he objecting? Instead, he agreed as soon as I said what I said without arguing.

Opening the door, I got out after removing the seat belt. I walked around the car and opened his door, seeing that he wasn't doing it by himself. He probably wasn't a big fan of seeing my dad again.

I unclicked his seatbelt and took his hand, pulling him out of the car. He grasped mine tightly as if his life depended on it and let me lead him to the front door. The door was still opened, only leaning against the door frame.

We got in and both removed our shoes, me taking off my jacket as well before we walked into the living room hand in hand. I knew that he didn't like that one bit but I had to make sure that Andrea and David were okay. Moreover, they would be relieved to see their son.

Four sets of eyes were on us when we entered the room. Titus pulled me closer to him right away, hiding as much of his body as possible behind my small frame.

"Hi. I just wanted to greet everyone to show you that we are both okay before heading to bed. Is it okay for Titus to stay the night because he is tired and the fastest way to get him to sleep is by staying over?"

My mum just nodded her head and gave Titus a small smile. He ignored it and buried his face in my hair.

I sat him down on the couch, being careful that everyone else was some meters away from him. They all sat down at the table at the other end of the room. It was some kind of dinner table in the living room. We put it there because it was the best solution to have a dining room and we had enough space in here so...

"I'll just make us some tea. Just stay here, okay? They won't bother you and I'll be back before you know it."

He was skeptical but let go of my hand which meant that he was somehow okay with it.

I hurried to the kitchen and prepared us both a mug of tea before returning. Our parents were still talking, probably getting to know each other. I guess they were too shocked to go to bed so they did that instead.

I walked to the couch and sat down next to him before giving him one of the cups. I made two different types of tea and let him choose one. We drank our tea and headed to my room, calling it a night.

He looked around when we reached my room as if he was observing every detail. He did that for a few minutes before he plopped down on my bed, getting under the sheets and stuffing his face in my pillow. I guess he loved my scent just like I loved his.

I got in beside him and turned so that I could watch him. His eyes were closed but I knew that he was still awake. His breathing pattern was too irregular and he was moving too much.

One of his hands reached out for mine, holding it tight when he found it.

That was how we both drowsed off.

A/N: Sorry for being absent for so long. I don't really have an excuse other than having to learn for a lot of exams and being stressed af

Anyways...enjoy :)

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