Chapter 26. Archangel and His Sister Walk into a Bar

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Niamh woke up instantly, finding herself in Dean's car, his scent immediately filling her nose. She looked around but didn't see him, just his jacket laying over her chest.

"Lead me." A voice in her head spoke and she got out from the car with her wobbly legs getting used to being alive again and heading towards the penthouse. As Niamh reached the last floor, she took a deep breath as she flinched from the noise coming from behind the white doors.

"I'll take it from here."

"Remember our deal."

Erelah took full control of Niamh's body as she reached for the knob on the double doors. Dean and Sam were the first ones she laid eyes on, their faces covered with cuts and bruises as Castiel and Jack were flung across the room by Michael's powers.

Dean crawled on the floor, trying to get to his angel blade, not giving up on the fight against Michael when he noticed the doors were open. He averted his gaze upwards, meeting Niamh's brown eyes and a smug smile on her face. The movement behind also caught Michael's attention.

"How is that possible?" Michael chimed, before sending a fist into Sam's direction.

"Niamh?" Dean managed to stutter hoarsely.

"Guess again." Erelah said through her vessel as she made her eyes glow a bright red color.

"Erelah," Michael breathed out, his eyes reflecting dread was something the Winchesters saw for the first time.

"Hello big brother. Happy to see me?"

"On the contrary. How are you still alive?"

"That's not important. What's important is that I am here now, ready to take my revenge."

"Is that so, little sis. I will blindly guess Basset didn't give you a full control of her body so I will just do something that will make it hard for you to kill me." Michael said with a smug smile on his face and went silent.

At that moment, the vessel he used fell to the floor, marking that he fled out of the poor man.

"Where did he go?" Sam asked as he tried to get closer to his brother.

"Oh, he's still here." Erelah said, averting her gaze in Dean's direction, whose head was bowed down, but his face expression was reflecting evil and not pain and sadness anymore.


"Dean is napping." Dean's hoarse voice rang through the room, sending shivers down Sam's back, making him back away.


"Did you really think I will not come back to my original vessel? Please. Once an Archangel leaves the vessel, it can always come back, with no granted permission" Michael jeered with a smug smile expanding over Dean's lips.

"You always had some aces in your sleeve, didn't you Mikey."

"What can I say, I'm a tactical warrior. It will not be as easy killing me now in this meat suit, since your little vessel doesn't want anything to happen to Dean." Michael patted over his body, adjusting to Dean as a vessel again and straightening his wet shirt.

"Maybe you're right, but maybe you're wrong. You have no idea what she's screaming into my ear right now."

"And what would that be?"

"For example, just end him already, one collateral victim doesn't mean anything if Michael gets to die."

"I don't believe you."

"Yeah, I overreacted. It's true. She doesn't want me to kill you while you're wearing Dean."

"Lucky for me, because I'm never leaving him again. And he cannot reject me anymore."

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