Chapter 5. Time For a Little Improvisation

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Niamh felt like the walls of the church started to get closer and smaller when she turned for the sound and didn't see Dean but a humanoid carnivore with eyes resembling wolf staring into her human ones. Its fangs growing from its gums, yearning for blood boiling beneath her delicate skin. Before Niamh could draw her gun on the monster it jumped a couple of benches with a speed she had never seen before and formed in front of her, knocking her into the wooden saint statue which sent hundreds of pain impulses from her brain through her whole body. It jumped with both legs next to her torso and brought out its claws towards her face. The huntress managed to send a few silver bullets into the hungry werewolf's upper body causing minimal to almost no damage to which her eyes widened, and her heartbeat picked up due to sensation traveling from her adrenal gland.

"What the hell?" Niamh managed to mutter out the words and tried her best to get out of the monster's grip.

"Niamh!" She heard Dean shouting for her, his voice echoing through the hollow area.

Niamh then felt droplets of warm liquid on her contrastingly cold cheeks as the monster's head rolled off to her left, and she assumed that the substance on her face was nothing other than blood. She jumped into a sitting position and pushed the lycanthrope's lifeless body away with her legs.

"Are you okay?" asked Dean, reaching out for her to help her up from the floor.

"Silver didn't work. Why did silver not work?" Niamh vocalized while her eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper onto her skin.

"It was enhanced with Michael's grace. Such werewolves are immune to silver, only decapitation and severe head injury can kill them." Dean worded and Niamh's eyes grew wider as she watched the blood pouring from the incision on the monster's neck. "Let's go, it's impossible that there's only one here, there must be more around."

As they quickly approached the exit, they heard few growls behind them. When they turned around, they were greeted by five equally hungry werewolves who were just waiting for their wrong step as their signal to attack. Looking at each other they both concluded that they were outnumbered and that the only way for them to get out alive was to run towards the car and maybe kill few on the way. Running to the car, Niamh cursed Dean for parking so far away, but her legs were running on adrenaline which she could not run out of so quickly. When she saw the shiny black frame of the car, she sent a few pointless bullets toward the monsters and escaped into the front seat. The Impala accelerated with the screeching of tires on the asphalt, and when Niamh looked behind her through the rear window of the car, it seemed to her that they had not escaped at all.



"Why are they still behind us?" Niamh fretted and heard her driver mutter few vulgarities before hitting the gas pedal.

Niamh noticed the shotgun on the back seat of the car and thought of something. She stretched to the seat, opened the window, and fired several shots into the monster's shoulders, chest, and legs until she hit one in the middle of the skull, which then fell to the floor with its head half blown off. She wanted to repeat the procedure, but they retreated to the left side of the vehicle and were no longer in her sight. Her hair moved with the wind as she frantically looked around the car for the next head to take off its shoulders. She put her head and upper body back in the car and looked out the back window again when she saw the four remaining werewolves on Dean's side of the car. Niamh panicked briefly because she didn't know what to do or how to use her weapon against them.

"Why did you stop? Get rid of them!" Dean thundered and took a sharp right turn to the unmarked road which sent Niamh into his shoulder, shotgun shells flying around the car as she tried to refill the shotgun.

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