Chapter 20. 333, the Lesser-Known Sister of 666

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Sam, Dean and Niamh hurried down the stairs, skipping a few to get to the library as quickly as possible and start translating The Scroll which will hopefully ease their way in finding a way of ending Michael once and for all.

"I'll bring the dictionary," Sam said and disappeared into the hall towards the archives.

"I'll call Cas and tell him we found it," Dean chimed in and walked towards the library.

"I'll bring the booze," Niamh spoke and went to the kitchen after she left her bag at the table in the war room.

After grabbing the six pack of beer she found in the fridge, Niamh headed towards the boys, pumped with adrenaline and impatience. She was prevented from leaving the kitchen by a strong figure into whom she crashed and almost dropped the glass bottles from her hands. Dean's hands steadied her by her shoulders with a smirk on his face.

"Jesus, Dean. What are you doing?"


"Don't you dare! I don't want your greasy fingertips on The Scroll."

As Dean opened his eyes after a short laughing fit, he looked deeply into those of Niamh, trying to read her emotions exuding out of her look. He could only read tiredness and a glimpse of sadness she bore with her. Dean's eyes took in her sadness as he realized that she had never been sadder than since she had been with them. She had never lost so much until she came with them that day from Montrose, abandoning her routine to help them, never asking for anything in return.

"You okay?" Niamh snapped him out of his own thoughts after noticing the change in his expression.

"Yes, let's go, Sam's waiting." Niamh's heart leaped in her chest after hearing his blunt answer, leaving a gush of uncomfortable air behind him as he left her at the doorstep of the kitchen, thinking of their latest emotional encounter as the moment of weakness she fell to like a fool, and nothing more.

Niamh joined them in the library where Sam got his laptop and Latin dictionary ready, and Dean got comfortable in his chair while completely avoiding her dropped eyes.

"Are we ready to do this?" Sam sent a reassuring look towards both hunters in front of him, clutching the box where The Scroll was.

"Let's fucking go."

Niamh only nodded in silence, sending quick and unnoticeable glances in Dean's direction, unsuccessfully reading his hard expressions. Sam opened the box, undid the rope tied in a knot and unwind the papers sticking together after being in the containment for years. First pages they found were in Enochian, and others were written in Latin but as they skimmed through the parchments, they stumbled upon a page written in familiar language. Dean grabbed the sheet and began reading,

"The commands of the God are something to be respected and obeyed. If the angels come to it, the fire must end it, if the demons get to it, water must destroy it. Seek help from Her brothers but beware who you trust."

"Who is she?" Niamh asked, prepping over her chair to read the text.

"Maybe you?" Sam suggested.

"'Her' is written with a capital letter."

"Then it must be an archangel. And they meant brothers as in Michael, Gabriel and others."

"Well Michael is not very helpful, and Gabriel is dead." Dean reminded.

"So is Lucifer."


The late-night hours fell as their eyes started to close by themselves, but their will was stronger than the need for sleep, as none of them wanted to give up on the research.

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