You/Cat Grant - Return

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Cat was getting impatient with you

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Cat was getting impatient with you. You had promised to bring home food when your shift ended and you hadn't shown up

"Momma? I'm hungry. When is mommy coming home?"

Cat was already pulling out ingredients to make something quick before he could finish his question.

"I'm not sure, baby. I'll make us something real quick. Why don't you watch some tv while I finish dinner."

He nods and makes his way back to his room. When he's gone, Cat pulls out her phone and calls you. It goes straight to voicemail, making her furious. Ever since your promotion, you had promised to keep your phone on and charged so she could reach you.

"You're going to be in so much trouble when you get here! You promised to come home on time. I'm waiting until you get home to yell at you. Hurry home and be safe."

She ends the voicemail and continues cooking. It's not long until the food is finished. There's still no sign of you and Cat was beginning to worry. No one had called to let her know that something what happened but she had a feeling that something bad happened. After serving Carter, she excuses herself to her office to make a serious of phone calls.


None of your team seems to answer and her worry grows higher. She attempts to reach Kara and her sister but it also goes to voicemail. It's not until she calls Lena that she gets an answer.

"Her team got ambushed. It's because of her that they're all alive. Unfortunately, she sustained major injuries so she was taken to a hospital. We should've called you the moment that...."

"I don't need excuses, Luthor. Just tell me what hospital she's in."

"Cat, I can hear you holding back tears. You're in no condition to drive. I'll pick you up."

Cat wanted to argue but Lena was right. She was a mess and she was barely holding herself together.

"Hurry up."


Carter had a vague idea of what was going on. Cat kept him in the dark of the extent of your injuries, he only knew that you got hurt. He was the only reason why Cat was holding herself together.

The three of them arrive to the hospital and are quickly led to your room. The entire hospital wing is filled with DEO agents. They immediately surround Cat and Alex has to make them back off to give Cat space. Kara and Lena take Carter as Alex takes her to your room.

"She's going to be okay, Cat. Her injuries look worse than they are."

Cat wanted to call her a liar. You were covered in cuts and bruises from head to toe.

"I told that idiot to be more careful."

"That was her being careful."

Cat couldn't help but laugh at Alex's words.

"I don't have a hard time believing that. Thank you for keeping her safe."

"We all owe her our thanks. She saved all of us. Don't be too hard on her when she wakes up."

"I'll try."


The moment you opened your eyes, Cat wouldn't stop lecturing you. It kept on going until Carter eventually came into the room.

"Just wait until we're home."

She silently tells you as Carter hugs you. Your team owed you, they could delay your release for a couple of more days until Cat's temper cooled down.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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