You/Natasha Romanoff - Past(SPOILERS FOR BW)

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AN: Contains spoilers for Black Widow 

"You're not going to help me."

"I never said that. I just said that this might be difficult to do between the two of us."

"Are you going to call your buddies? I hear they're not too happy with each other."

"Do you want me to help you or not?"

Yelena holds up her hands, knowing if she continue to push Nat would just do everything on her own. 

"Sorry, I'm just wondering who would be crazy enough to go on this suicide mission with us."

"I might just know the person."


Looking through your peephole, you managed to spot the redhead that had broke your heart earlier in the year. You weren't sure what possessed her to come back into your life and you didn't care. 

"Go away."

"Please, (y/n). We need you help."

"Sorry, I gave up that life a long time ago."

"They reported a sighting of you in your costume just a few nights ago!"

"Keeping tabs on me? That's low, Nat. Are you going to turn me in?"

"I'm on the run too!"

You smiled as you heard the annoyance in her voice. It was still so easy to rile her up.

"Well then you should know it's a good idea to keep away from each other. Especially when you broke up with me."

"Look I'm sorry but if I wasn't desperate, I wouldn't come to you."

"We're desperate. We need your help. Please don't let Nat's stupidity interfere in this."


"Do you want for her to help us or not?"

You quietly laugh as you watch them argue. After a while of watching them go back and forth, you eventually open the door for them. 

"So what trouble did you get yourself into, Nat."


Nat couldn't believe you had easily agreed to help her.  She would've thought you would turn her away but she should've known you would put your feelings aside to help others. It was one of the things she loved and hated about you. You often put the life of others above yours and it often got you nearly killed. 

"So tell me, Nat. Why did the two of you break up?"

"That's none of your business, Yelena."

"Come on, she's asleep. She won't hear us."

Nat looks over to you, seeing that you were in fact sleeping. 

"It's a long story."

"We still have some time before we reach dad."


Nat goes on to explain how she broke up with you because she was on Tony's side and you were on Steve's side. You had tried to make it work but she wouldn't cooperate unless you joined her side. Eventually, she made the difficult decision of breaking up with you before things got ugly. She figured if the two of you were meant to be, the two of you would find your way back together. 

"You really are an idiot, Nat."

"I don't need you to criticize me! I know what I did was stupid."

"It was stupid. From what I heard, the two of you were in love."

"Are still in love. I still love her."

Yelena reaches over to take Nat's hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. 

"Guess this is faith then. Maybe the two of you can work things out."

Nat pulls her hand away and scoots a little further from Yelena. 

"Lets just focus on getting dad out."


Saving their dad and finding their mother had been a total success with the combined effort of the three of you. You knew they could've done everything on their own and yet Nat still decided to ask for your help. You couldn't figure out why and there wasn't a time to ask her as she focused on the mission. 

"You know, Nat still loves you."

"Is this you trying to hurt me because you don't believe what I'm saying."

Yelena genuinely laughs, making you smile. You had come to care for the blonde despite only knowing her for a couple of days. 

"No, this is my way of repaying you for what you told me. Nat would've never told me that."

"and she would've never told me what you said."

"Nat, really needs to be more open about these kinds of things."

"I couldn't agree anymore."


Everything was a blur after your talk with Yelena. One second you were having a heart to heart with Yelena and the next, you were jumping out of a falling building with both sisters. 

You groaned loudly from the pain in your back as Yelena landed on top of you. 


You're quick to regret scaring her as she jams her elbow in your stomach, knocking out the wind from you. 

"I'm so sorry! I thought you were going to attack me. You shouldn't scare an assassin like that."

You had your eyes shut tight while you dealt with the pain you were in. 

"...yeah....I realize that now."

She laughs and helps you up when you seem to breath a little easier. 

"We should go find Nat."


After Nat reunited with her family, they had to cut their goodbyes short when SHIELD showed up. You had been asked to join them but you decided to stay. 

"You should've gone with them."

"Is that what you really want?"


You give her a smile and pull out your weapons as the SHIELD vehicles get closer. 

"Good. Because I wasn't leaving anyways"

Nat found herself giving you a smile as she watched you prepare to fight. She had lost all hope of getting back together with you but this gave her back the hope she had lost. 

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora