Fifty Five

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Charlotte Crawford

When we walked through the door Celine and Leonardo were on the sectional cozied up, they'd fallen asleep while watching dirty dancing. Nate took out his phone snapping a photo of the two

They were working on their marriage. Especially for the sake of Celine, she'd been receiving her treatments and they were going well. She was losing her strength but didn't give up the fight

I turned off the tv placing the clicker back down on the mahogany coffee table signaling Celine to open her eyes slowly "oh my we fell asleep" she laughed softly waking Leonardo

"Sorry to wake you, but your free to go home. Thank you so much again" she stood slowly taking me in for a tight hug "anytime darling, she was very good. We put her to bed about thirty minutes back, you look beautiful" she stated again

Leonardo stood "thank you for allowing us to spend good time with our grand daughter, she's too precious for her own good" He took me in for a hug and then shook Nates hand

"Thank you both for watching her we appreciate it" they nodded and Celine took him in for a tight hug "thanks mom" she stood back nodding

"How was it?" She stretched out her arms reaching for her cardigan throwing it back over her frail figure

"It was good to be out again, I did not allow him to tango" the two laughed at my comment as Nate rolled his eyes

"This boy used to hate dancing, so I'm surprised he was even begging to tango" she patted his shoulder "now we must head home" she walked over to the coat rack retrieving her tote as Leonardo followed behind "good night" they said exiting the house

"Babies asleep" I moved to him pressing my lips against him as we began stumbling over things making our way upstairs as our lips stayed locked as he pushing me against the wall making quick work to release me from my dress

He scanned my body as I stood in just a black laced bra "no underwear?" he stepped forward whispering into the crook of my neck as goosebumps laced my skin

"I love what I do to you"

I placed my arms around his neck connecting them pulling him in for a kiss as he moved his hands down my body as he cupped my ass cheeks pulling me up to straddle him against the wall "let's take you upstairs, yeah?" I nodded

He opened the door to our room quickly closing it behind as his attention turned back to me as I was supporting my back with one arm slipping the other to stroke myself

"Do you like it when I touch you like that?" I nodded as he stood over me "tell me what you want amore?" I stepped away and went to the bed laying back as I allowed my body to relax

"Now tell princess, what do you want?" he placed me back on the bed swiftly removing my bra leaving me fully exposed

"You" I mumbled, he leaned down against me pressing hard against me as I used a pillow to muffle my moans. He let go removing his pants to reveal himself teasing my entrance "condom" he pulled away for a moment reaching to the nightstand grabbing one

He slipped it on turning back to me "I want you to beg" he placed his tongue under my ear tracing it all the way down to my left nipple

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